Dumb Questions Amnesty

If I was trying to highlight someones misspelling of the word : you're 
and was mentioning they had misspelled it should I wrap that word in single or double apostrophes?
So 'You're' or "You're"

The short answer is that it depends on what country you are writing in. In British and Australian English, one typically uses single quotation marks. If writing in North America, double quotation marks are typically used.

I would argue that it is a direct quote and therefore should use double quotation marks

I would argue that it is a direct quote and therefore should use double quotation marks

I would argue just for the sake of it.


I would argue that it is a direct quote and therefore should use double quotation marks

I would argue just for the sake of it.


No you wouldn't.



What's a nubian? 

Someone from Nubia in Africa?


Or did you mean 'Noobian' ? Extension of 'noob' which is generally a new player on a game.


Sorry, it was a silly Chasing Amy reference. 


Shut the ■■■■ up!

What does IDK stand for?

What does IDK stand for?



I means "I don't know"

What stops a Jet aeroplane which is ascending beyond 38,000 feet from leaving our atmosphere and entering space.

If a Pilot had completely lost his marbles, and attempted to continue climbing, what would happen ?

What does mutually exclusive mean?

In the early days of the internet, I once asked what LOL meant. When somebody replied 'Laughing Out Loud,' I went apesh*t at them. 'Don't laugh at me just because I don't know your stupid nerdy internet slang means!'



How is it that a Black Hole can fit millions of cubic metres of mass into an area the size of a pin head ?

What stops a Jet aeroplane which is ascending beyond 38,000 feet from leaving our atmosphere and entering space.
If a Pilot had completely lost his marbles, and attempted to continue climbing, what would happen ?

Good question. I don't have an answer, but I'm interested to hear it. 


I'd also like to know what happens if a plane flys directly over one of the poles?  

This ins't a dumb question (well I don't think it is anyway), but you know how can see things with our eyes, are we really seeing them in the colour that they really exist as or are they completely different and our eyes can only process a certain number of colours.

What stops a Jet aeroplane which is ascending beyond 38,000 feet from leaving our atmosphere and entering space.
If a Pilot had completely lost his marbles, and attempted to continue climbing, what would happen ?

The plane's wings need air to generate lift. The higher you go, the less dense the air becomes, the less lift is generated. Eventually you'll reach a point where the lift generated is less than the force of gravity pulling the plane back down.

I never understood how the stock market works. Like what does a share price actually mean? If one company has shares for 75.40 and another for 9.40 which is worth a better investment? And what dictates shares going up or down?


What stops a Jet aeroplane which is ascending beyond 38,000 feet from leaving our atmosphere and entering space.
If a Pilot had completely lost his marbles, and attempted to continue climbing, what would happen ?

The plane's wings need air to generate lift. The higher you go, the less dense the air becomes, the less lift is generated. Eventually you'll reach a point where the lift generated is less than the force of gravity pulling the plane back down.


In other words you fark right off into space

What does mutually exclusive mean?

Not related.


It's like when people substitute 'bigger' for 'exacerbate' because it sounds way awesomer.

What does mutually exclusive mean?

Not related.
It's like when people substitute 'bigger' for 'exacerbate' because it sounds way awesomer.

Hmmm nah.
Essendon must choose either Hird or Bomber.
No, they are not mutually exclusive, we can have both.
It means one does not exclude the other.

How is it that a Black Hole can fit millions of cubic metres of mass into an area the size of a pin head ?

Depending on what you're actually asking, that's actually a pretty complicated question. If you want to get a bit of understanding, look up how neutron stars are formed. It's basically the same process, without all the singularities.


Essentially, the star that is going to go on to form the black hole is subject to its own gravity. The bigger/more massive the star is, the greater the force pulling it back in on itself is. Eventually you get to a point where it gets so massive that it starts to collapse in on itself. The thing about this is that it doesn't get less massive, it gets smaller. This means that the force of the "internal" gravity actually becomes greater, and it pulls itself in more.


So, basically, think of it like the most powerful trash compacter in the universe.


What stops a Jet aeroplane which is ascending beyond 38,000 feet from leaving our atmosphere and entering space.
If a Pilot had completely lost his marbles, and attempted to continue climbing, what would happen ?

The plane's wings need air to generate lift. The higher you go, the less dense the air becomes, the less lift is generated. Eventually you'll reach a point where the lift generated is less than the force of gravity pulling the plane back down.


i forget the ratio, but to get 1 kg of payload into space you need 10kg of fuel, or something ridiculous like that. i really should've paid more attention in Theory of Flight.