Dumb Questions Amnesty

That used to be the way things worked. Until some govt agency said it was OK for businesses to charge customers for the CC fees. So guess what businesses did?

Very handy especially as cash is getting phased out and cheques are extinct.

But it should be in the price. They can’t advertise a price and then when you go to pay, add the GST.

I don’t know why they don’t just…
A- put their prices up for all 7 days, and not charge a weekend surcharge (they’ll know when they’re busiest


B- put their prices up for all 7 days but offer a discount for those that buy there Monday to Friday.

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Absolutely disagree.

I absolutely loathe it.

If I get a 15 year old to make my coffee, do I get it cheaper because they get paid less than adult cafe workers?


Swings and roundabouts. Its lazy and manipulative and I wish nothing but financial ruin for those that implement it.

I agree that if it is going to be implemented at all, at the bare minimum a notice should be displayed as prevalently as the pricing of the actual product is.

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Who is this former Bomber player and how many games did he play ??

I think his name is Richard Kiel

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Probably related, but not as tall or as old.

It’s Tom Park. 3 games :slight_smile:

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“Just a He-Man trim thanks”


Played in a period of 5 or so years where some extremely mediocre players got a game.

I saw the photo and just didn’t recognise him at all.

That’s Greg Anderson

Looks like he has an original nineteenth century jumper. Maybe knitted by his great-granny

That was the actual Team jumper in 1974.

No it’s not.

Photo of a (identifiable) person would be.

You can see our Labrador on his bed it’s that detailed.

Anyhow I got confirmation it’s not a breach. Thanks

Yeah I only know because my old man had the same query.

They have to blur out anything identifying, and if you ask nicely they’ll normally blur out anything else you want blurred out.

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I found this rock when I was a kid at my parents house around late 1970’s, old school built up area, the house was built in 1904. Thought it was petrified something.

so back at now owning the old parents house I was digging and found the old rock again anyone please tell me what it is

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Hard to tell from the photo but could it be obsidian? Looks like a hand tool. Interesting.

TrevorBix may have a better idea about rocks.

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