Electric Motor Vehicles

definatley a small ■■■■■ maga guy car


Also at risk is the driver. That car is so badly designed, the drivers can’t see what is behind them - the rear vision mirror is ineffectual.

They have cameras Albert. That is the future.

Yeah I know I have driven cars with cameras instead of mirrors. But I was referring to a cybertruck written off in CA due to that “feature” - maybe that happened before they thunk to put cameras where their mirrors should be

Cameras are all good and well, but to call them “the future” is wrong in my opinion. They are a useful addition that helps deal with blind spots and provides aids to the driver, but no camera is perfect, and cars shouldn’t be designed with poor visibility with the view that cameras can fix it. Good design includes good visibility supplemented by cameras, not the other way around


Nah Mr Frosty, cameras and/or other sensors are the future and human will not be driving, it will all be auto pilot. And if you see how Albert drives, it is a good thing. Though to be fair, his horse is old and the dray needs some work.


I feel more secure as a cyclist when I see the little light go off(on the side mirror indicating someone’s passing) in the late model European car or EV (or both) that I’m riding alongside.

Makes me hope the otherwise blind as a bat driver will “see me”.

Techs good.

Wish more cars on the road had that I think.

Will definetly look for more safety tech when we upgrade the car

FYI in case you don’t know, these cars do not have side mirrors. They have attachments containing a lens where the mirror should be. The picture gets shown on the central screen. So the driver needs to reset expectations of where to look for rear vision.

And of course if that attachment gets wiped off by a stray driver or vandal instead of a few* bucks to replace a mirror it would probably costs thousands to replace the camera, wiring etc.

*yes I know nothing costs a few bucks these days

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Jokes on you if you think the people in the car actually look at the mirrors


Oh, so you meant that future.

Are these your own personal driverless cars, or shared cars, or “taxis”. And how do we plan our cities for this future? Because realistically driverless trains are a better answer.

Yeah well

What do you think of his 2025 version?


Frustrated that the port strikes have delayed my car delivery.

What did you buy?

If only we still had a local manufacturing industry.

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a bit harsh on the juice ?

I gotta say the new tesla y looks pretty snazzy and smart and neccessay move to have w basic version . mind you I suspect the basic version is still pretty decent

The new swastikar from Elon

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Zeekr X AWD


Well done, i would be interested to get your views after you have had it a little while. From my limited knowledge you have made a good choice.

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