Game of Thrones TV series *SPOILERS*: Let's wait for Season 8 Sesīr kipi!

ayyy then don’t go in the spoiler thread ay.


yes, too soon.

personally wont see until after I get home, d/load it, have dinner, put the kids to bed and finally put on my ceremonial watching GOT outfit.

So, too soon for spoilers about today’s final?

Interesting reading here:

Crap series, but you’re only all realising now? I didn’t get past the first 3 episodes of the first season.

< /troll >

Her neck was really long in that scene. Still impressive CGI

We need the shame-shame-ting-a-ling over in the Hird Pressure is Mounting thread.

So, that was interesting.





There should be a SHAME-SHAME-BELL-SHAME thread to act as a contrast to the Neuvo Classicos.

So, that was interesting.





Everybody hangs it on the starks for having so much tragedy, but the Baretheons have been decimated, and the Lannister's aren't faring too well either.

All the big houses have been slaughtered, which allows a pissant house like the Bolton’s to have control of the North.

Speaking of pissant houses, what are the Iron Island people doing at the moment? One half-assed attempt to save theon, then… What?

'Nah fark it, the Bolton’s have dogs and I hear they cut your d*ck off. ’

The 4th and 5th books were starting at the same point in time and basically covered the same time span (5th extends further), just looking at a different set of characters and different locations.
The series is (increasingly) loosely based on that, although a fair few bits have jumped from one to the other, presumably to make it more chronological / less confusing.

They’ve cleaned Ramsay up a lot in the show. He really is ■■■■■■.

Stannis took five seasons to die in pathetic and anti-climatic circumstances
I suppose they wanted to give plenty of time to Cersei's walk and they'd just had the Hardhome battle, but to spend half the season (perhaps more) building up the Boltons vs. Stannis battle and then give it the literary equivalent of "Stannis and the Boltons had a battle, Stannis lost and got wounded, Brienne found him and beheaded him. The End", was just odd.
Only way I can accept it is if it's not as simple as "and beheaded him". Stan and Bryan are two peas in a pod. Could forge an entirely boring, honest and dutiful alliance.

What a lovely young man.

Yeah, Ramsay seems nice.

Melisandre to the rescue?

Surprise surprise a favourite character gets killed. When you try to do the unpredictable as often as they have, it actually becomes quite predictable.

■■■■■■ off with the ending and so many stories are just sitting there.

theres at least 2 more books, and the fat slug writing it will probably die before the next one is out. plenty of time for loose ends to be killed.

I'm not sure it reflects that well on GRR Martin that all his main characters were in their teens or younger.

A touch of the Lewis Carrolls.

Not necessarily… Most young girls in medieval times were married off and pregnant by the time they were 13.

I think GRRMs plot lines reflect actual history very well and the fact that he doesn’t wrap the story in politically correct cotton wool and happily ever after fairytale bullschnit is exactly what makes the books so awesome.

Not many were running the joint at 13 though. Usually had regents.

Just strikes me as quite Lolita-esque.

So when the big fight finally goes down who is Bran going to do the worg thing to?

  1. Drogon so he can win the big fight
  2. The creepy boss White Walker geezer so he can stuff up their plans
  3. Some other badass character we haven’t seen yet
  4. The Mountain
  5. all of the above

show spoiler