Game of Thrones TV series *SPOILERS*: Let's wait for Season 8 Sesīr kipi!

Still no excuse for zero nudity.


I really hope G RR M dies before he finishes this story just so all you nerdlingers lose it

lol, hes already told producers how its gonna end.

Nice soap box tho.

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Didn’t like seeing Wun Wun the last of the giants with the white walkers. He will do some serious damage.

Wun Wun was killed at Winterfell, so it’s not him. They were plenty of other giants living North of the wall previously, so expect to see quite a few of them in the army of the white walkers.

And I’m sure John would have made sure to have the bodies burned after the battle of the bastards was over.

I’ll be ■■■■■■ if he dies before publishing the dang book.

Pull your finger out, fatarse.


Hes working on other ■■■■ lol.

no book ever.

Then he might as well die now.

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Who cares about the books? No nudity in the books. Well, not worthwhile nudity.

In fairness to the show, the last 2 books were ■■■■. the shows gone so far beyond the books.

Point taken - however it was the same actor playing the giant.



Mastodon were perfectly cast

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It was him. Remember Ramsay shot him through the eye and this one had his eye missing. Thinking the directors were taking the p1ss.

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Not sure I agree, but didn’t think there was a need to spend the last 10 minutes watching Daenerys fondle a beach, slowly walk up into a castle and then go sight seeing through it.

Perfect opportunity for nudity missed

The new angle from this episode.

Is the kingslayer going to end up the queenslayer, as she’s quickly turning into the mad queen.


Yep the Targaryn castle Daenarys is at.

Seriously what a ■■■■■■ walk to the door?! Who the hell builds it that far!

Anyone else expecting dead bodies in that?

Fair chance that will happen… isnt he 2 years overdue of releasing the next book? His publishers must be ■■■■■■.

New book, read somewhere MAYBE this October (Winds of Winter). Hope so.