Game of Thrones TV series *SPOILERS*: Let's wait for Season 8 Sesīr kipi!

I read a theory that Bran is the night king. Anyone else read it?



It makes some sense, but means the ending is so far removed from the start of the story it’s not funny.

I love this video of stark vs the king. But can’t copy it across.

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It doesn’t make sense to me, as you say being so far removed from the beginning of the story.

Do you remember the theory ?, if so, give me/us an idea of said theory, please.

Winter Will Always Come…

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Basically the nut and bolts of it were: Bran messed around with time travel too much, and basically in trying to prevent the Night king wargs into the Night Kings human form to prevent everything but goes too far back to leap back in to the present day. There was also where the scene where the Children of the Forrest and Bran have a discussion where Bran asks what where they defending themselves from, and they tell him “you”.

There was also Bran going back and trying to warn the Mad King to put wildfire under Kings Landing (The Mad King thinks he’s hearing voices and goes crazy) and it was also Bran that went back in time (became “Bran the builder” and basically built the Walll.


I read somewhere that the Knight King could be a Targarian and he can only turn Targarians into white walkers. The rest can only be ‘whites’. Apparently that guy in season 2 who was donating his males to the King could be a Targarian. The dragon he turned is born of Targarian blood.

Interesting theory.
The only flaw…
I doubt the polar bear was Targarian and I’m sure there was a giant with blue eyes in one of the earlier seasons. I’m pretty sure the wildlings only had giants.

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I’m not sure that last line about building the wall is right.
Is that in the books?

It could be assumed they are the same person because they have common names, but Bran could be a common name in the Stark family because of the significance of what was done.

No, it’s just a theory from someone online. There’s no right or wrong.

"Bran then travels back even further in time and “succeeds to become Bran the Builder, building the Wall and securing his birth by building Winterfell and creating the words ‘There must always be a Stark in Winterfell’.”

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Yeah, nah. A few thousand pages of doing nothing in Meereen can go and blow itself.

Neither version’s perfect, but this one’s better, and probably closer to the original (trilogy) storyboard too.


I have a feeling we’ll never know which turns out to be superior.

The man has got to have three distinct types of diabetes.


GRRM and patrick rothfuss are 2 authors that have bought into their own hype majorly.

He makes big boi look like Gary Coleman.

Oh, he’s large, yeah. You do know of course that many diabetics aren’t.

Yes, I know obesity isn’t a prerequisite.

I cannot conceive - what you’re alluding to.

Rothfuss, oh don’t get me started. His books are the best, but he is sitting on this third one something awful.

Rewatched episode 1 and Robert Barratheon and the Lannisters are shown in Kings landing and then not much later in the episode arrive in Winterfell. But they state they’d ridden for a month to get there. So big time jumps have happened from the start they are just not being explained now. Although the one last episode on the ice is hard to explain/justify.


Yeah, I started watching from the start again a few weeks ago, and the time jumps were still there. They just acknowledged / explained them.

Now they don’t even bother trying to explain them, they just say:

“Ah, whatever, here’s a dragon.”