Gaming Thread - PM Polydeukes your Gaming IDs

If anyone watches E-Sports, the Apex Legends playoff LAN grand final is about to start on Twitch or Youtube.

Should be some good viewing.

That might work out! I’ve only just started Cyberpunk

Yeah I’m pretty happy to be burning through my backlog although it never seems to shrink. As I said I’d already started most of these games so I haven’t finished 8* games completely. And quite a few of them are very short puzzle games (2 - 5 hours long).

  • The Pedestrian
  • Little Nightmares 1 DLC
  • SOMA
  • Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves (had finished UC4 part last year, played Lost Legacy this year)
  • Gorogoa
  • Child of Light
  • The Gardens Between
  • Bioshock 1 Remaster
  • Little Nightmares 2 ( game #9 completed last night :slight_smile: )

I’m pretty excited to see how it turns out. My wife is a huge HP mark and wants to give it a go, so I’ll probably end up getting it for her if the reviews are even halfway decent (though I have my concerns…). We’ve got a bub on the way, so it could be a fun distraction for her when she starts her leave in a couple of months.

From what I’ve seen, there’s some pretty cool stuff in the game, so maybe I’ll end up enjoying it, too.

I guess you can put me in the cautiously optimistic camp.

I believe from what I’ve read and if I can time convert properly - the Hogwarts Legacy review embargo ends at 11pm tonight AEDT. So reviews should be posted at that time.

I’ve seen a lot of people with early copies on reddit which to be honest makes me very suspicious. The same thing happened with Forspoken and the people who magically received their game early just happened to give glowing references…

Anyone ordered the Deluxe version? That comes out tomorrow.

I think big difference was Forspoken was refusing to provide copies to certain reviewers and I think there was a complete lack of PC copies given out?

Still not worth pre ordering anything these days IMO

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That’s true. The review embargo is only a few hours before the (Deluxe) game comes out for most of the world though. That’s often a red flag.

Agree there were lots of red flags with Forspoken. Not saying Hogwarts is a dud, just my spidey senses tingling ever so slightly.

To counter my own point - holding back the PS4 and XboxOne versions is… whatever the opposite of a red flag is.

We’ll know in about 6 hours time!

If you are into retro computers,video games etc check it out great youtube channel and one of my favourites

Reviews are strong

Finally discovered retro arch and yeah gotta say it’s pretty neat being able to play old PlayStation and GameCube games on my Xbox series S

Little Nighmtmares 1 dlc :pensive:

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Hell yeah frothing for this


Hogwarts game of the year for mine. Calling it.

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It’s interesting that there’s a whole lot of outcry over Tears of the Kingdom being a $70 USD game, while in Australia it seems like it will be the standard $90 AUD ($79 at JB).

$75 at Amazon

Doesn’t really bother me, the game will be worth it. I’m getting the collectors edition anyway :joy:

It’s very tempting…

Not sure I can justify that kind of price to my heavily pregnant wife, though :joy:

We can’t all be swimming in Oakleigh mega bucks!

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Me too eb want a $50 deposit if you pre order online im gonna go to the store and see if i can put less

Its an investment in your sanity which will in turn assist you in providing caring responsibilities to your wife and soon to be newborn, making you a better husband and father. It would be selfish of you not to purchase it.


Went to EB they want they want $50 despoist and can only pre oreder online stuff that

Tried JB and was able to put $10

Awesome wrapt im getting the CE