Gaming Thread - PM Polydeukes your Gaming IDs

Do it its zelda

I got my girlfriend playing BOTW it’s the first game she has ever bought for herself and she has loved it, all part of the plan to lessen the blow when she finds out I’ll be spending a week playing the new game and nothing else :joy:


I’ve been screaming it for years but EB Games are the most consumer unfriendly business. I don’t understand why anyone who has a choice of retailers would choose EB over literally anyone else. They are awful.

They always charge full RRP when nobody else does. They’ll price match but I don’t understand the logic of rewarding them with your business when other retailers are offering it cheaper to begin with.
They sell pre-owned games for more than the cost to buy the game brand new. Example RDR2 pre owned is $48 at EB games and $24 brand new from Amazon.
They request huge deposits for pre-order.

I can make an excuse for their trade-in deals, but if you’re paying them cash I just don’t get it and it frustrates the hell out of me that so many people give them their business.


The Oakleigh Chargers aren’t gonna like this one bit, Darce.

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Some major Tears of the Kingdom spoilers are doing the rounds, be on the lookout for those who don’t want to be spoiled.

Atomic heart getting some really mixed reviews. Some 8s and 9s and some 4s and 5s. I’m not really a big FPS guy so wasn’t planning to buy anyway. Just thought it was interesting.

Final Super Mario Bros Movie Trailer live @ 9am AEST

Super Pumped :muscle:

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Uh Oh
…it looks very much like the UK are going to approve the Microsoft (Xbox) takeover of Activision…have you guys on PS prepared for this?

has activision done anything of note in the last 5 years?

Well, Microsoft value Activision at $65Billion, so they see something of note in the last 5 years.

More importantly, they see something of note in Activision the next 5 years, possibly new games WIP, subscriptions, possibly more Ariana virtual concerts?, advertising? etc.

Further, the gaming industry will only get bigger.


What exactly do we need to do to prepare?

I play my PS5 heaps. I played 1200 hours last year. I don’t think I played a single Activision game. Actually Crash N Sane trilogy for a handful of hours which I got free and would not have bought.

For me and what I play this deal will not affect me and I could not care less. There’s more than enough quality games on PlayStation.

I moved over to PC a couple of years ago, but even if I was still tethered to Playstation, I can’t imagine how this would affect me. I don’t think there’s a single IP Activision owns that I could care less about.

Nothing much you can do atm.

Down the track though, as most games become streamed (so you wont need to buy individual games any more, just pay the monthly subscription) Microsoft /Activision/Xbox will be the 1,000 pound gorilla dominating the gaming industry.

One would expect all the popular games ( and best new game programmers) to slowly gravitate towards the biggest provider.


Interesting fact.
YouTube is an advertising juggernaut, generating US$29bn of ad sales last year.
Gaming clips are the second most popular clips on YouTube (music being the most popular)

I don’t share this vision of the future. I think there’ll still be room for all three (including Nintendo).

Even if what you suggest comes to fruition, that’s not going to happen this generation or even next console generation. So why should any PS owner panic? There’s nothing preventing users from switching to XBOX next generation.

But again, I simply don’t see Microsoft taking so much market share that 3rd party developers completely abandon Playstation. Sony have an incredibly loyal fan base and heaps of first party titles that means they will remain relevant and competitive.

Here’s how the industry might work for Microsoft.

  • Some 45% of PS users play COD, according to Midia Research, a data firm. (Further, MS may decide to delay the release all the extra bells and whistles in COD to PS users…or hold some back. PS has form here. Sony has kept PS games such as “Uncharted” and “God of War” off Xbox)

  • To help this deal get approved, Microsoft plays up the weakness of its position: Last place in console, seventh place in pc and nowhere in mobile. BooHoo!

  • Yet it has taken a lead in the emerging business of game subscriptions and is well placed in the still-newer one of cloud-based gaming, in which the action is streamed, Netflix-style. Microsoft accounts for 41% of the subscription market, against Sony’s 30% and Nintendo’s 10%,

  • Among subscription services with game libraries (as opposed to those dedicated to multiplayer gaming, for instance), Microsoft’s Game Pass service has some 25m members. Its market share, since the chart was created in December 2022, has grown to 57% now.

  • Adding COD to Microsoft’s library would make Game Pass still more appealing, regardless of the title’s continued availability on PS. Indeed, it will make Game Pass even more valuable when you have this game available elsewhere for $60 a pop.

  • Game Pass subscribers "spend more hours, they play more games, they take chances on games from creators that maybe they haven’t heard of,” says chief executive of Microsoft’s gaming division, Phil Spencer. He cites the example of “Hi-Fi Rush”, a lighthearted game from a developer better known for horror titles, which recently became a hit on Game Pass.

  • Most gamers buy titles individually, or play free ones that make money from advertising or in-game purchases of power-ups. But paying a monthly fee to download a whole library of games is slowly becoming more common.

  • That said, it’s still a risk for MS. Google closed its Stadia game-streaming service in January after barely three years. Latency is also an issue.


Microsoft leads in subscription market share, and yet lags behind Sony in console hardware share - probably because Game Pass was first to market, and Sony’s comparative product was absolute dogshit at launch and hasn’t improved much since.

It’s interesting this is only now a massive concern because CoD is involved, and not the 15 years prior where both parties have been involved in some disgustingly anti competitive practices.

MS also just scrapped it’s $1 introductory deal for Game Pass which definitely helped it score more uptake - I don’t think Sony has had anything similar to try and drive numbers up

Genuine question because I don’t know the answer.

Have MS actually proved that GamePass is a sustainable long term business model? Or is it just eating the costs in order to acquire market share in the same way that tech start ups prioritise continual growth before they figure out a sustainable revenue model?

Probably will if MS can start releasing great exclusive content. they havent really set the world on fire with their 1st party titles. id say if they can put out a few strong and varied exclusives, it will be worth it. personally the Bethesda titles will be what im looking forward to. i hear Hi-Fi Rush is amazing, but looks like a very niche title.