J.Depp, killing dogs, and excrementing on beds

Depp is in the news again.

My wife is, like many women, engrossed in the trial. Apparently a very large number of women have taken sides, not with Heard, but with Depp.

It seems to me that he is charismatic. IMO there is a certain male charisma that appeals to women so much, they just fall for it hook line and sinker. I know at least one person who had it, and although not at all “good looking” had a personality that drew women to him, so much so that he bedded most of them.

Donald Trump probably has that charisma. FCS I dont see it, but it would be an interesting study to see whether that “je ne sais quoi” can be understood.

As to Depp and Heard, I am not at all interested in the public display or who is to blame. It sounds like a toxic relationship to me. Its a personal thing, and I will accept whatever the judge rules on the matter.

Depp looks good because he’s taking the stand while Heard is not.
Because Heard’s lawyers are hilariously objecting to answers to their own questions.
And because Heard has tried to dismiss her own case, and the judge has gone, ‘nah…we’re not doing that.’
And because she shat on their bed.

Didn’t she do just that today?

Broadly I agree with this:

Oh. I didn’t know that.
It’s not like I’m following the live feed.

She is

If the answer is hearsay, they can and should object

This is not Heard’s case, it is Depp’s

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I’m sorry, but you can’t ask someone what somebody said to you and then say, ‘hearsay!’
And the judge agreed.

Heard’s lawyers have been an absolute farce. You can’t blame people for relating to that.

If it is hearsay, of course you can

This I agree with

Women tend to be attracted to wealthy/powerful men.

They’re even more attracted to wealthy/powerful men, who are also good looking movie stars.

I am breaking new ground with this theory.


I only know because unfortunately it gets time in the “serious stations” radio news.

Not when you asked the question.
And again, the judge agreed.
You ask the question, you get the answer.

Contrast the quality of US lawyers with Owens and Moses in the BRS trial

The gap is a light year

My favourite part was when Heard’s lawyers were reading headlines from mostly tabloid showbiz clickbait, asked Depp if he’d read that correctly and he responded,
‘Yes, you read that very…very well.’


maybe Heard’s lawyers should switch to nursing

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Good looking is defined by the viewer. I don’t think he is good looking, nor do I think I am, but I am male and I am really quite bemused by some womens subjective views of male attractiveness, in any case I really don’t care.

But Depp probably is attractive to many women. Its been shown in his success in movies and now in this trial.

A lot of these women grew up with Johnny Depp, when he was young & hunky.


I have not been following closely at all as I think it would hurt my brain, but from overall observations they both seem like people who should have never been in a relationship together. Toxic.



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And men are attracted to younger women. More revelations!


Wow I am glad I bumped the Depp thread. I have not seen one iota of the trial, so I am not going to speak to that, but I do note the vehement condemnation of Heard, and the adoration of Depp, and that from a woman. Now that is what has me bemused, when what clearly was a loving or passionate relationship turned bad, in fact “toxic”

Imo its never one persons “fault” but certain personality types basically mutually detonate at some point in a relationship and its like a chain reaction of extreme language and behaviours.

Maybe this is that type of relationship AKA a disaster on the downside…

My experience with dating younger women is horrific.

Mrs Scotty is 3 years older than me :grin: