Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

It’s almost like this group of self confessed dilettante muddle heads who found themselves unexpectedly in power have been reading those books they keep hearing about - 1984, Brave New something or other - but the comic book versions. That image is designed to inspire fear and decimate what’s left of the press corps’ morale, but it’s just so clumsy and clownish. For the 37 millionth time today alone, what a f%%king twat

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Oh boy. I must have missed it but apparently he did threaten to sue if the book was released. So… the publishers have decided… to release it 4 days EARLIER than planned.

Bring. It. On.

So the head of government wants to sue to stop a book being published about the inner workings of government.


Trumps a big believer in the first amendment then.

You might want to check on the boba fides of the author before you get conned yet again.

Let’s just say he has a history of being um ‘creative’ when it comes to his non fiction work.

If the book is being sold as non fiction yet contains accounts that are not true, then anyone has the right to put a stop to that book being published.

Or do you think the first amendment allows people to say whatever the hell they like about other people under the guise of it being ‘true’.

In a word yes.

If it was a private citizen then I would be more sympathetic. But Trump isn’t and he is fair game, I don’t care if it’s fiction, non fiction or satire. The whole point of free speech is to protect the right to critique government.

As to your comment on what if it’s not true? Trump repeatedly went on tv claiming Obama wasn’t an American. So if this book contains falsehoods he can suck it up.


And fkn lol at your own hypocrisy. There isn’t another poster on this site that has banged on about free speech, PC and speaking your mind. Now your argument is people can only speak “truths”.

You really will twist yourself into whatever knot is needed to be on your guys side.

It’s just a book, no ones claiming it’s the whole version of the truth. It’s the authors and the people he interviewed perceptions. Of course there will be another side to the story in a lot of cases. Let the reader make up their own minds.


I for one have a big bucket of popcorn ready.

Honestly, if there are as many falsehoods as Trump and co are claiming they will have no problem suing and winning.

Who hasn’t trump tried to sue?

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I find it hard to believe that you would attribute things to Rupert Murdoch unless you were 100% certain it was true.

Is Steve Banon gilding the lilly, probably but that’s his problem not the authors.

He sued Bill Maher (the comedian) for demanding that Trump release his original long form birth certificate to prove his biological dad was NOT an Orangutan.


Damn this unfair main stream media. So unfair.


How many right wing people need to state that Trump is an idiot and dangerous for people to get they are telling the truth. Dozens of right wingers are either on record or haven’t refuted statements attributed to them. The only person that claims Trump is intelligent and capable is Trump himself.




Yep. There is no way he is avoiding answering questions that need to be asked. I think moving forward there is no need for any politician to have to face scrutiny of the job they’re going.


I’m gonna ask for my next annual review to be done via twitter.
I’ll just…well, not answer, but reply to the questions that suit me.


I think responding via memes and #hashtags should be allowed in reviews…