Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

Right wing, ex-military, conspiracy theorist quotes Breitbart in defense of Trump.
Hmmm. We got em all on Blitz these days.

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Got all the bleeding heart, whinging, fake news lefties on the site too. Every side is covered well in here.

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Mate, WP supports a bloke whose interests are directly opposed to his own. It’s bizarre. You can play your both sides card all you want, but it doesn’t stop it being bizarre and frankly concerning.

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Hey, they owe Wall St money.

Which ones? The only one’s that crap on about ‘fake news’, which is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting “LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU!”, are trip and wp.

I did ask them in the old thread to list what they thought were non ‘fake news’ websites/outlets, but never got any.

This gets funnier by the day,


We live in a time where this is more likely to be real than photoshopped.

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There are early reports of an active shooter in Vegas. Possibly numerous dead. Shooter is still at large in the Mandalay Bay Casino.

One suspect is reportedly down at Mandalay. There are reports of possibly two other shooters elsewhere on the strip but it is very confused, so possibly incorrect.

Reports a fully automatic weapon was used from a high vantage point firing down into an outdoor concert. Hundreds of rounds fired.

Possibly a mass casualty event, suggestions of 20+ fatalities.

Reuters is saying at least 2 confirmed dead, 24 injured. Associated Press saying 12 of the 24 are critical.

Shooter was on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Casino.

This is ■■■■■■ up.

Hundreds reported shot

Nevada’s an open carry state isn’t it?

It is legal to carry concealed or openly in a bar or restaurant, even while consuming alcohol. One cannot possess a firearm if their blood alcohol content is more than .10 BAC (NRS 202.257). It is legal to carry openly or concealed inside a casino, on the Las Vegas Strip, or at the Fremont Street Experience.

20+ dead, 100+ injured, according to Police press conference.

Shooter (only one, apparently) is dead. They know his identity, it was a Las Vegas resident. Looking for a related “person of interest” (his housemate?)


Tillerson has apparently had enough. Is trying to find solutions to North Korea and Trump isn’t hearing it. Next to go?

God Bless America and the right to keep and bear arms.

Long may Australia grovel and kowtow to the mighty US of A.

Guns don’t kill people, … People kill people.

But one People with a sub machine gun can kill 20 plus and injure scores more in just 2 minutes.

One people with a knife or a bat, cannot.


Now saying at least 50 dead, 200 injured. Worst mass shooting in modern American history.