Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

I remember that, just not who said it.

At a country music festival, I would have expected every dang one of them to be armed to the teeth.


From the guitarist of the band on stage during the shooting.


He was 100% right though. Someone WOULD have shot back.

Just didnt mention the bit about how that someone would have hit a whole lot more innocent bystanders…


His ( C Keeter) point about probably getting shot by police if he or anyone else had drawn their weapon is a good one.

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Thats more than some Norf home attendances.

Except @Gnik I wasn’t quoting Breitbart, but nice try anyway.

And how exactly am I right wing and a conspiracy theorist? You know nothing about me, you douchebag.


One person with a truck can kill over 80 people. Remember Nice?

We do.
And we pretty much immediately started doing something about it.

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I mean, yeah, it is great that he has changed his view on this. But it took him and his band being shot at to do it? Not the tens of thousands being killed by guns every year, kids being massacred in schools, etc? This just shows the extent of the brainwashing in the States about the need for citizens to have access to guns. It is terrifying.

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A trucks primary function isn’t for killing either.

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No love for the gun carrying patriot who stopped the Sudanese refugee from killing more people in the Nashville church shooting?

Another church member, a 22-year-old usher named Robert Engle, tackled the gunman and suffered injuries when he was pistol whipped. In the struggle, the shooter shot himself, although it wasn’t clear if it was on purpose or an accident. Engle retrieved his own gun from his car and held the man until police arrived, police said.

“He’s amazing,” Rosa told reporters about Engle. “Without him I think it could be worse. He was the hero today.”

Orlando. Sandy Hook. Last night… Yeah ok then.

Neither are gu…oh wait.

The gun-control crusade today is like the Prohibition crusade 100 years ago. It is a shared zealotry that binds the self-righteous know-it-alls in a warm fellowship of those who see themselves as fighting on the side of the angels against the forces of evil. It is a lofty role that they are not about to give up for anything so mundane as facts - or even the lives of other people.

Thomas Sowell



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Wow indeed.

Why bother.

Why not?

That is the most ■■■■■■ up post I’ve ever seen on this forum, and that’s saying something.