Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

The Civil War never ended

Keep in mind that this is only an allegation at this stage. But with such an allegation can he really still run? If it proves to be true then he should, and hopefully will, go to jail. If it is false then it opens another area of problem whereby people can start making claims to try and stop individuals from running a campaign.

How anyone can watch the MSM and not see their unbridled opposition to anything Trump does is beyond me. I don’t agree with everything he says and does (despite what some of the snowier flakes on here may think) but this continuing dog whistling against him and his supporters is doing nothing but dividing the country further and further.

Did anyone catch the Koi-gate reporting that all the MSM ran breathlessly with this week?

“O M G, Trump is poisoning the Koi by dumping his whole box of fish food in to the pond!”

Yeah, right after Abe did the exact same thing… Now why would they run with this reporting? Hmmm?

What is that saying? A lie travels around the world before the truth even gets it’s shoes on.

No wonder people are turning away from the MSM and looking for alternative news sources that are not beholden to advertisers or political affiliations.

No, I didn’t.

Good that you continually concentrate on the unimportant rubbish, though. You sure showed us.

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Can you advise some good news sources to check out that not beholden to advertisers or political affiliations.

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truth. com


There you go. All the 100% reliable truth you’ll ever need. Read. Believe. Obey. Send money…




I believe the statute of limitations passed a long time ago.

No, I can’t. I don’t think that there are any that really exist, note I said “looking for”… Unfortunately we have to read through and watch all the crap that the MSM throws up and then use critical thinking to work through it.

So I point out that the MSM is continually running with crap to stir up issues and that is your reply.

Wow, you sure showed me…what a ■■■■■■■ you are. Thanks.

Asked this in the last thread to both he and trip when they both crapped on about “Fake News”. Never got anything.

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that feeding the koi story is farking rubbish if i’m honest about it.

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The media does go to extraordinary lengths to sensationalise headlines, but to be fair, the Trumpster does hand them those headlines on a silver platter every time he opens his mouth or logs on to twitter.

And why do you hate Koi so much? You’re a monster!


So according to you, Mendozaaaa, there is no such thing as “Fake News”. You just believe everything you see, read or hear. Figures.

No. There’s plenty of rubbish, like Pizzagate/Seth Rich…

If you’re continually rubbish outlets for running with “fake news”, at least name some you don’t believe do the same.

Yes, using absolutes is always a good idea and will solve any problems we do/don’t have.

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I see you also believe all media!

As I said, a few post earlier, I don’t think there are any that don’t run with some level of “Fake News” to appease their audience, advertisers and political backers.

Why is it that when someone points out a problem they also have to have the solution otherwise it doesn’t exist? I think that cancer is a ■■■■ and something needs to be done, but I don’t know what the answer is. Does that mean that cancer isn’t a ■■■■?

I’m going to give everyone heart attacks and side (somewhat) with @Warlock_Paul here.

I think it’s undeniably true that the proportion of media that is opposes Trump is greater than the proportion among the wider US population. I also think it’s undeniably true that the koi thing (which I was vaguely aware of on twitter) was the latest in a line of COVFEFE little things he’s done that have provoked coverage disproportionate to their importance.

It so happens that I also oppose Trump. Doesn’t mean I can’t see that the media generally hold the same opinion as me. Same is true for the SSM poll here. Vast majority of the media support SSM - and coverage generally reflects that. I also support SSM. Doesn’'t mean I can’t see it.

There’s also a bunch of rarely-challenged conventional media wisdom that I DON’T agree with. Welfare recipients are coddled bludgers living in taxpayer-funded luxury. We should all be trembling under our beds in fear of ISIS. It’s all Hird’s fault.

Just cos a view is supported by a majority of journalists doesn’t mean it’s right. Just cos it’s supported by a majority of journalists doesn’t mean it’s wrong either.

Trump IS a custardhead who is manifestly unfit for his position. But his koi-feeding habits (or Obama’s scandalous decision to wear a tan suit once upon a time, which also provoked days of kerfluffle from the professionally outraged) have nothing to do with that, and anyone who uses up their valuable journalistic time writing about said habits is also manifestly unfit for THEIR position. The media focus on transient trivia like this (mostly driven cos someone gets a bit of funny camera phone footage, or someone makes a ‘gaffe’ on camera, and that gives the tv news a bit of video to open with) is a cancer on politics because it prevents actual analysis. Case in point from Australian politics - I bet many, many, many more people can quote from Gillard’s pre-election interview about carbon tax than could describe the actual carbon price that ended up being legislated.

Mind you, nobody in here seemed to believe that the koi thing was worth mentioning until WP complained about how much it was be3ing talked about. So I guess we’ve got better political judgement than the media, hey?