Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

I’d wait two years before even starting to make an assessment, no matter what the results are now.
If jobs had dropped, I’d be more inclined to blame Obama than Trump at this stage. And I’d be interested in the reasons for it in any case.
The longer term unemployment graph doesn’t show any sort of remarkable trend reversal.
And by the same token, had some of GW’s measures started to kick in when Obama took office?
Or were international conditions a factor?

Seems a bit simple to be claiming anything at this point.
I mean of course, it’s good.
It’s nice that unemployment is at a 16 year low.
But it was at a 15 year low last year.
That’s not a bad place to start from.


He is riding on the coat tails of the Obama-led recovery. And, the stock market has priced in that he will deliver on his promise of 15% corp tax and a tax cut on wealthy Americans. As he says “we shall see”.

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I wonder how many of those jobs are lawyers involved in Trump/Russia?

But seriously, it is good that the job growth is continuing though as Wim/DM say it will be further down the track when we can start to separate out Obama from Trump.

For comparison:

2016: Feb - July: 1.2 million
2017: Feb - July: 1 million

Another ‘Rally’ yesterday.

How dare he speak to the people…

He’s a smart guy apparently.

Spent the day slamming black athletes on Twitter. Wonder if he’ll be able to sneak in a few cheeky rounds of golf in between.


An excerpt from Hillary’s book.



He also criticised NFL and NBA athletes. This is a good response:

Curry, a two-time NBA most valuable player and the face of the Warriors franchise, had made his feelings clear when asked to respond to comments from the chief executive of Under Armour, his primary sponsor, that Trump was “a real asset” to the country.

“I agree with that description, if you remove the ‘et’,” Curry said, wryly.


To be honest, I have a feeling something deeper is going on for him to be peddling this disgraceful commentary on the NFL and Steph Curry. Kaepernick’s mum tweeted that she is a “proud ■■■■■”. She should be proud. Her son has raised awareness of the systemic racism plaguing our society by using his celebrity for a higher purpose.


I don’t.

If anyone criticises Trump, his ego can’t handle it and he lashes out. Conversely, if they support him or are his business partners, he’ll excuse them anything. There’s really nothing more to him than that.

Guy is about as deep as a 2d projection of a Justin Bieber lyric.


In the past, efforts have been made to alter the tax and anti-trust exempt status of the NFL and others, together with tax loopholes for local government bonds for stadiums.

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3 million Americans don’t have power in Puerto Rico, and a major damn is on the verge of failure.

Don’t worry. I suspect many major damns are being released every day.


Might even be a blast or two…coming from North Korea.

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Typo-Panthers pounce. Damned if you do, dammed if you don’t.

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Another Trump inflamed problem.

Jared Kushner has been using a private email account to conduct some official government business.


Lock him up, lock him up!

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Kobach and others on Trump’s voter fraud commision have been doing the same thing.

It was a mistake, and possibly dodgy, when Clinton did it. It cost her the Presidency.