Overrated Movies

Given it was mentioned, in a positive sense:

Saving Private Ryan

I get that.

But I just don’t like his dialogue style. It ■■■■■ me, I find it kinda… smug?

And if you don’t like his dialogue style, there’s almost nothing else in his films/shows.
It’s like a Michael Bay movie if you don’t like special effects, they’re all based around that.

Anything with a Zombie or a Vampire in it or anything made after 1990

When you say zombie are you also including Train to Busan?


A long time since I’ve seen some of these and maybe I should give them another go, but…

The Revenant
Rebel Without a Cause
Raging Bull
Kill Bill
Fight Club
Lost in Translation
28 Days Later
Shutter Island

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Oh, and The Martian

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I’ll certainly give you Rebel Without a Cause in that list, and you could put any other James Dean movie in there as well. I can remember watching it for the first time and not being able to believe that there had been so much fuss about it.

I haven’t seem most of the rest. I did like Lost in Translation and Deliverance though.

Daddy would you like some sausage?


The Theory of Everything
Get Out

Batman vs Superman

So much hype, so much promise

Absolute dribble and the worst movie I’ve ever seen. Worst!

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Star Wars. Absolute dogshit.




There is no adequate way to describe how I felt about the original Star Wars film when I was seven years old.
The sheer size of the Imperial Destroyer going through the vastness of space, the deathly moan of the tie fighters, all on a drive-in screen.
It blew my freakin’ mind.
And all the rest of it, the figures, the cards, the remote control R2D2…
The movie itself might be complete rubbish. I don’t have much of an opinion on that either way, and to me it feels kind of irrelevant.


It’s hard when someone rates an older movie (that you’ve loved for ages) poorly and they are looking at it through the prism of the current day.

I only watched Star Wars for the first time in 2016 and so it suffered from almost 40 years of improvement in special effects and the fact that I’d listened to people rave about it for that near 40 years.

I didn’t rate it that highly…but I respect that people who have grown up with it do so.

Saying that, the later movies are much better :wink:

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I watched it on the original release. I was bored shitless and I haven’t watched any of the others and can’t imagine that I ever will.

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To be fair, Star Wars is OK-ish if you’re not a fan of sci-fi.

If you’re a whiny power converter fan, you probably rate it.

I do wonder what people would consider to be the best space adventure film released prior to 1977.

The sequel is a very solid movie. Better direction, acting & script than the original. Not much better in the way of sci-fi adventure, so worth a look. The 80s era production & design & practical effects are also a thing of beauty after being bombarded with Marvel era CGI noise for the past decade I think you’ll find