I didn’t get that far…as soon as he glittered sitting up in the trees, I turned it off and have never wanted to go back to it.
Oh you must have seen the terrible special effect fast going up the mountain.
That was gold.
Lol I knew that would be controversial. I have just never understood the hype around the coen brothers. I did enjoy their version of True Grit though.
The are also responsible for one of the worst movies I have ever had to endure… the ladykillers. Easily Tom hanks worst film too
Coen Brothers can be hit and miss but they have a few classics.
Millers Crossing
No Country
The Big Lebowski
Loved Millers Crossing, Big Lebowski and True Grit were ok, couldn’t get into Fargo and haven’t tried No Country.
It’s pretty decent, def worth a look.
I haven’t seen miller’s crossing or big lebowski. Wasn’t a fan of Fargo. Saw burn after reading and apart from brad Pitt being hilarious, I thought it sucked
Fargo was great
Burn After Reading was good
O Brother was not bad.
But some just-goings and don’t know what they were thinking remaking the Ealing classic The Ladykillers.
Give Millers Crossing a crack.
I reckon you would like it.
Coen Bros have had their hits and misses for sure. Big Lebowski, Raising Arizona and Fargo are excellent, as is their debut effort, Blood Simple.
While at the other end of the scale, and very much in keeping with the theme of this thread is Inside Llewyn Jones, which was excruciating to sit through, and surpassed even Barry Lyndon for being boring.
Maxes and Monsters says hi.
Gravity. Utterly, mind numbingly turgid. My Microsoft screensaver was more exiting.
The English Patient
Pretty… farking… boring
A war casualty on his deathbed. Felt like the audience had joined him.
A decent movie, but the novel is outstanding, just so well written.
Good thread, watched both Django and Inglorius Basterds at the cinema and thought they were ok, but after watching again at home in comfort now 2 of my all time fav’s.
I liked Cohen Bros A Simple Man, too.
Their compilation of Wild West tales was kind of cute, but ultimately a miss, I’d say.
I like that they do what they want. They’re very distinctive.
Rambo: First Blood
Couldn’t sit through the first half hour before turning it off.
Back to the future- all of them
The bit in the second (?) one where they have the endless chase/run in the caves was sooooooooo obviously written and laid out by whoever was doing their related computer game – it was action on a track.
To be fair, the original books are massively over-rated too. He was a looooooooong way from the best fantasy writer at Oxford.
Raising Arizona will always be my fave. I just watched The Big Lebowski again the other day - I really like it but I think it somewhat suits the premise of this thread as being a little overhyped.