Politics Thread

No HM, the ALP do internal polling for a very good reason. It is not about feeling good, or rallying the troops, or trying to demoralize the Libs etc. Much more basic, absolutely about where to spend our money on advertising etc. Marginal seats is what it is all about and anything under 5% plus or minus, is polled twice a week now to election time. We do not have money to waste and you need to target it carefully.
If we were still looking at a landslide, we would save the money for the next State Election or 2016. I find it hard to believe mate, but the current polls show, a loss of one seat in Vic, gain of one in WA and one in Tassie, gain of 5 in Qld and two losses in NSW.
ALP 75
LNP 74
independent 1
Could be very different in four weeks !! But I am getting more confident.


Gain one in WA?


Good lord. Which one? Canning? Hasluck? Swan? No chance in Stirling, Not even trying in Cowan.


A Mc Tiernan should hold Perth now that S Smith has retired. G Gray will be fortunate to hold on to Brand.


If they keep what little they've got they should send C Barnett a Xmas card.

Gain one in WA?
Good lord. Which one? Canning? Hasluck? Swan? No chance in Stirling, Not even trying in Cowan.
A Mc Tiernan should hold Perth now that S Smith has retired. G Gray will be fortunate to hold on to Brand.
If they keep what little they've got they should send C Barnett a Xmas card.

Assume it is Hasluck, 0.5% swing needed. Hard to Randall getting done in Canning, he seems entrenched. Swan is interesting though with a strong new candidate, may reverse the large swing of 2010.

Gain one in WA?


Good lord. Which one? Canning? Hasluck? Swan? No chance in Stirling, Not even trying in Cowan.


A Mc Tiernan should hold Perth now that S Smith has retired. G Gray will be fortunate to hold on to Brand.


If they keep what little they've got they should send C Barnett a Xmas card.

Diggers is quite correct: WA is full of farkwits.


Present company excepted.

Diggers is quite correct: WA is full of farkwits.
Present company excepted.

Actually I quite like WA, it s just people who live there that fark the place. Bomber supporters excepted.

More just a sign of Abbott being thick than being actively sexist imho. 


Was asked why people should vote for the candidate he was there to promote, and obviously had absolutely no idea who she was, what she did or why she was running.  So tried to come up with a lame joke to cover it, and was stupid enough to come out with one that ffs he should KNOW that coming from him, was going to sound absolutely terrible. 


Didn't know his candidate, couldn't think on his feet to hide it, and unnecessarily reopened himself to the 'sexist' line of attack all over again. 


And ok, maybe just a little sexist, but in a casual, privileged 'don't worry your pretty head about it, little lady' kinda way rather than a screaming frothing 'man-hating feminazis are destroying civilization!' type way.  But nothing we didn't already know there.


so youd vote for a guy who 


a) cant think on his feet

b) hasnt done any background on the person hes talking to

c) thinks that having sex appeal is something that is an important value, in a professional context.


just shows hes got NFI and will be the laughing stock of the world if he gets the gig. this is the best the party can offer up. seriously?


if someone at any of the companies ive worked at, stood up and talked about a female collague in that manner theyd be taken off for counseling. and ive worked with some of the dumbest blokes and the sexiest women youre ever likely to meet.

so youd vote for a guy who 


a) cant think on his feet

B) hasnt done any background on the person hes talking to

c) thinks that having sex appeal is something that is an important value, in a professional context.


just shows hes got NFI and will be the laughing stock of the world if he gets the gig. this is the best the party can offer up. seriously?


if someone at any of the companies ive worked at, stood up and talked about a female collague in that manner theyd be taken off for counseling. and ive worked with some of the dumbest blokes and the sexiest women youre ever likely to meet.


No, I wouldn't.


But I'm a greens voter, so i was never a likely vote for Thick Tone anyway :p


And yeah, agreed, if Abbott had said that about a private sector co-worker, he's be so deep in the HR pooh he'd likely never find his way out.  Bloke's a moron.

I have said elsewhere that I could think of nothing worse than Tony Abbott saying I had sex appeal. Yuck.

Imagine if Abbott had made the comment whilst wearing his red budgie smugglers.

Imagine if Abbott had made the comment whilst wearing his red budgie smugglers.



I have said elsewhere that I could think of nothing worse than Tony Abbott saying I had sex appeal. Yuck.


yep hes basically saying 'ive never met this person, but, um er, yeah shes damn sexy'


we dont need another politician thinking with their ■■■■


Me, nah.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.



Nah .... Tone with the bone.







plenty wrong with that!

Oh man, now I feel sick.

Oh man, now I feel sick.

:lol:  Sorry em.

Oh man, now I feel sick.

Sweet dreams........
(of Abbott in speedos) :)

The good news is that Bandt will not be there after the election. Cath Bowtell will be a great ALP member in the seat of Melbourne and Bandt can go back to being an ambulance chaser.

I would not count on that, people in melbourne are pretty happy with him

I would not count on that, people in melbourne are pretty happy with him

Are you back in Melbourne Ben?


And with regard to Bandt; not the people who I hear from. Self-serving wanker I think I heard from some Greens supporters, and Cocksnap from a group from the far, far left !! 

Are you back in Melbourne Ben?


And with regard to Bandt; not the people who I hear from. Self-serving wanker I think I heard from some Greens supporters, and Cocksnap from a group from the far, far left !! 


Not my observation.  I'm far from a green sympathiser, but his contributions to three or four debates I've heard in parliament have been far superior to those of the representatives of either major party.  He was not all that far behind Labor on first preferences last time, and I would be pretty confident that a substantial proportion of the few Lib voters in Melbourne would disregard the party ticket and preference him above Labor.

Not my observation.  I'm far from a green sympathiser, but his contributions to three or four debates I've heard in parliament have been far superior to those of the representatives of either major party.  He was not all that far behind Labor on first preferences last time, and I would be pretty confident that a substantial proportion of the few Lib voters in Melbourne would disregard the party ticket and preference him above Labor.

No doubt I am prejudiced against him, but I cant see a Liberal voter, even one who hates Labor voting for him. Call me stupid, but this guy adds nix to the Greens.

Good to see Rudd sticking to his mantra of a more positive politics - rolling out the negative adds probably bc he knows hes slipping in the polls