Prove you're Australian or gtfo

Their candidate didn't register his change of address early enough to enrol to vote. Ooops.

Hahaha. Love ■■■■ like this.

dont those quasi police PSO's already do that?. Seen a few people start being 'talked to' by them and next minute they are asking for ID. People haven't done anything wrong up to that point.

Well, I think they can ask for ID. But I don’t think there’s anything you have to actually do, unless they feel you’ve done something wrong, or they have suspicions.

If ya just waking through the city I don’t think the law allows you to cut ally stop some one and ask for them to identify themselves.

I’m waiting for DT to come into this thread to defend the idea

dont those quasi police PSO's already do that?. Seen a few people start being 'talked to' by them and next minute they are asking for ID. People haven't done anything wrong up to that point.

They have the right to ask you to prove you’re eligible for concession/student/ free busses, and I think you have to show ID if they’re handing out a ticket.

I’m not sure they can if you’re on a full ticket though?

dont those quasi police PSO's already do that?. Seen a few people start being 'talked to' by them and next minute they are asking for ID. People haven't done anything wrong up to that point.

They have the right to ask you to prove you’re eligible for concession/student/ free busses, and I think you have to show ID if they’re handing out a ticket.

I’m not sure they can if you’re on a full ticket though?

On their website:

A PSO can ask for your name and address if:
• They suspect you have committed or are about to commit
an offence .

From what i witnessed a few are enforcing that to the fullest. They asked them a few questions including their name and address, then asked for ID to confirm the details provided. the not sure what happens if you decline though as everyone complied.

Well I hope everyone is now suitably embarrassed about being outraged over nothing again.
Stand by for the next first world problem to get all hashtag cray cray about when a Coalition minister yawns or scratched his nose the wrong way.

Abbott Derangement Syndrome at its finest.

Well I hope everyone is now suitably embarrassed about being outraged over nothing again. Stand by for the next first world problem to get all hashtag cray cray about when a Coalition minister yawns or scratched his nose the wrong way.

Abbott Derangement Syndrome at its finest.

One of the best descriptions of Border Farce I have read.

Well I hope everyone is now suitably embarrassed about being outraged over nothing again. Stand by for the next first world problem to get all hashtag cray cray about when a Coalition minister yawns or scratched his nose the wrong way.

Abbott Derangement Syndrome at its finest.

One of the best descriptions of Border Farce I have read.

Errr - Abbott knew nothing about it.
For those getting their panties in a twist, all they planned to do was to follow their Vic Police colleagues around and intervene where it was thought there was a likelihood of people being here illegally.

Hilarious that people are so lost in their Abbott hate that they simply can’t even distinguish between reality and fantasy any more.

was always gonna happen:

Well I hope everyone is now suitably embarrassed about being outraged over nothing again. Stand by for the next first world problem to get all hashtag cray cray about when a Coalition minister yawns or scratched his nose the wrong way.

Abbott Derangement Syndrome at its finest.

One of the best descriptions of Border Farce I have read.

Errr - Abbott knew nothing about it.
For those getting their panties in a twist, all they planned to do was to follow their Vic Police colleagues around and intervene where it was thought there was a likelihood of people being here illegally.

Hilarious that people are so lost in their Abbott hate that they simply can’t even distinguish between reality and fantasy any more.

Apparently nobody at all knew anything about it.

How do you ascertain at street level that a person may be here illegally?

was always gonna happen:

So a fictitious story about a fictitious event is now deemed worthy of this.

Just to be clear, Operation Fortitude was an initiative of the Andrews Labor Government.
It had nothing to do with Abbott.

Lol ‘deemed worthy of this’

Its a joke based on the terrible public announcement.

I think you’re overestimating how ‘outraged’ most of us are. I find it hilarious.

How do you ascertain at street level that a person may be here illegally?

Err, by asking them questions. Its called police work.

And they wouldn’t ascertain on the spot. That would be up to the courts.
Police charge. Courts decide if charge has veracity.

Please don;t tell me that some of you actually think that the police decided then and there that a person needed to be deported and he/she was then sent straight to the airport.

I think it’s funnier that no-one thought it out of character for this government.

Lol 'deemed worthy of this'

Its a joke based on the terrible public announcement.

I think you’re overestimating how ‘outraged’ most of us are. I find it hilarious.

I find it hilarious too that so many people fell for the story. And they still can't distinguish who was responsible.

Yep. It was the Andrew’s government who green-lighted Operation Fortitude, and it was the Andrews government who cancelled it. Nothing to do with federal politics.

Again, they fell for it because it’s completely in line with how this government rolls.
Didn’t hear a single ‘that can’t be right’ from Liberal supporters at the time.
Not one.

Well I hope everyone is now suitably embarrassed about being outraged over nothing again. Stand by for the next first world problem to get all hashtag cray cray about when a Coalition minister yawns or scratched his nose the wrong way.

Abbott Derangement Syndrome at its finest.

One of the best descriptions of Border Farce I have read.

Errr - Abbott knew nothing about it.
For those getting their panties in a twist, all they planned to do was to follow their Vic Police colleagues around and intervene where it was thought there was a likelihood of people being here illegally.

Hilarious that people are so lost in their Abbott hate that they simply can’t even distinguish between reality and fantasy any more.

I was more commenting on the existence of Border Farce rather than just this little episode.

I wonder what we can militarize next.

Look … over there … we will keep you safe … security issue …

Again, they fell for it because it's completely in line with how this government rolls. Didn't hear a single 'that can't be right' from Liberal supporters at the time. Not one.

Was it tabled in parliament? No.

It was something put together by Vic Police and put to the State government, who green lighted it. Nothing to do with the Libs.

I’m all in favour for Lib bashing when it’s warranted, but surely Labor should be held to account for their own problems? They get off far too easily. On Blitz at least.