Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III

I kinda feel like last night was a massive misstep by the royals and will hasten their decline. It’s not just that things are bad in Britain, they’re getting worse, and right now, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. The decision to spend so many tax dollars on this lavishness would be really hard to accept for so, so many.

And the arresting of the protesters isn’t a good look. Sure, they were noisy but they weren’t violent.


Yes, that is a real worry. Another step towards fascism.


I appreciate the pull of tradition and the appeal of bread and circuses.
But Britain has changed from the last coronation 70 years ago . IMO the Coronation didn’t reflect those changes, just some token gestures.
Gilded carriages are one thing. But I don’t get the appeal of Charles and Camilla appearing with their Crowns on the balcony of Buck House.


I actually think the opposite. The balcony appearance give the peasants their best view of the royals. You can’t see much of them when they’re in their carriages. I think if they got rid of the balcony, then they would lose a massive amount of their supporters.

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The whole hoopla surrounding the coronation, makes me wish even more that we become a republic. ASAP in fact, although there’ll be no vote for a while I’m afraid.


Wonderfully summed up


I opened up the online paper this morning and the first thing I saw was Charles and Camilla in their crows and regalia. They looked like something from a pantomime - which is pretty appropriate.

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I love how everyone sprays him for “making it all about him”, but he tries to be quiet about it, sneak in and out and everyone jumps on him for that. Can’t win.


The Crown he wore on the balcony for peasant show time wasn’t even the one he was crowned with.

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Imagine if he had exercised his right to wear the ceremonial robes of the Royal Victorian Order, as Anne did.
Instead he just wore the medals, did not frock up.

What a load of ■■■■


Whispers around the UK press today that Harry & Megs heading for Splitsville


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Yeah do you blame them? No relationship can withstand all the ■■■■■■■ bullshit the tabloid media puts on them. ■■■■■■■ pathetic industry that preys on misery. Sadly it’s the only thing keeping the royal family relevant in any way.

What, Harry is not meeting his income targets? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

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It’s not like they have done anything that would keep the media spotlight on them. :wink:

(Oprah, Netflix, Spare, of course the media are going to pounce on them)

They’ll get through it, they go together like “salt and pepper”, (her words).

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Gee, that a quality source to use :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: