Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III

It’s moving inexorably in that direction, unfortunately. The Teal vote is probably the one glimmer of hope that a sizeable proportion will not tolerate the shift further and further right.

Well it’s time for them to step up to the plate the dumb farks over there will probably vote for Trump again


Bit much

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I disagree (with all respect)…I think that the young people coming through can see the dangers of a lot of the stuff coming from the right wing nut jobs and have voted accordingly.

Politicians are going to have to work a lot harder to win their votes…they don’t get sucked in by the Murdoch media crap.

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Anyhoo, Chuckie…. I think he is a lot sicker than being published. If the prostate cancer process uncovered another source of cancer, it means wherever the original source is, it has spread.

They’re cretins.

FWIW, almost exact same timing I know someone diagnosed with prostate cancer which has spread to various other nearby places: and the verdict is “not life-threatening”. Which was a relief after the week of waiting.


We’re all cretins. We post endlessly on anonymous internet forums.


yeah but we’ve never had someone crash a car into a tunnel to get rid of an inconvenient person so we can stay with our mistress, allegedly.

When my existence cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, let me know.

Wearing a seatbelt is a way to lower your Cretin Score.

(And not driving at more than twice the speed limit.)

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The taxpayer’s seem content with it. Strangely.


It’s about more than what they cost…it’s also what they bring to the UK tourism industry.
(This is from one article, but there are plenty of others that suggest similar amounts.)

Recent attempts to measure the size of the impact of the royal family on UK tourism have estimated the capital value of UK monarchy as a business to be £67.5 billion (up from £44 billion in 2012) and the annual contribution to the UK economy to be £1.766 billion. These estimates included indirect economic effects on tourism, trade, media and arts…….

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Charley is probably still getting his head around the fact he has cancer, so maybe he’s not ready to divulge exactly what it is. He went into hospital for one problem and came out with another, so he’d be pretty messed up about that for a bit.


Yep- I have 3 friends who have had that happen and it’s pretty confronting.


Nah that’s generally a young man’s cancer, and it’s usually just in one of the two ballocks.

My money’s on kidney cancer.

Except most of the rightwing nut jobs are all younger people.

Stop being the “old man yelling at clouds” guy.

Data from the last election showed that younger people have significantly moved away from the coalition parties and their policies.