Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III

Because the internet was blowing up with stupidity.

You’d think a semi competent PR team could have handled it so we were hearing about her at the Glasgow Willy Wonka experience.

Take the high road at your peril, in a world of low riding grubs.


That’s just naive…they’re happy to live their privileged life in front of the media when all is going well…the flip side is that the media (rightly or wrongly) want access when things aren’t all rosy as well.

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You’d think a spokesperson reiterating that statement would be more sensible than a doctored photo.

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Certainly. I think everyone is a fark head.

She chose the life, and people choose to consume the media around the royals.

I don’t sympathise with her right to privacy anymore than I sympathise with peoples desire to know everything, except for her medical records.


No it’s not. They told the public she was having a n op and would be available after Easter. Then the docs found something scary so they have been dealing with that in private. Nothing more was needed to be said other than what was already said.


We don’t even know when she was diagnosed with the cancer. It could have been 2 weeks ago. She was probably going to do her public stuff again if this hadn’t happened.

I don’t give a fark how famous she is, who she might or might not be, if she didn’t want to talk she didn’t have to. I also don’t care how they managed Charlie’s cancer announcement. Totally different scenario.

People and media are just awful. End of.


They did reiterate that and people ignored it.


I’d like to live in your world of unicorns and Essendon winning finals. But in this world, right or wrong, more was obviously needed to avoid the internet stupidity.

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I disagree…they cannot pick and choose when they will talk to the media and still expect favourable press.

I might be more sympathetic if they weren’t so hung up on their “image”

Nobody forced them to release the details of her condition…there wasn’t a gun pointed at her head.

No…they were worried about negative publicity and so they “fed the beast”

It’s nobody’s fault but their own.


LOL and you say I live in a unicorn world. Seriously, NOTHING stops internet stupidity and you should know that.


Well this is the thing right. No, she didn’t have to say anything. There are consequences of that to someone in her position. That’s the life she’s entered into.

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Spare me. Load of crap.


How is it a load of crap?

I’ve already stated my position.

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Is that the internet stupidity from people saying that they should have given more information?


I’d kind of think it was the media feeding the internet trolls that was the problem. Media guessing what she had, trolls saying she was dead or murdered by Charles / William / American ■■■■■. That was all before the photo release.

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Editing a photo is not a crime. Neither is asking for some privacy when dealing with a cancer diagnosis, even if you live a public life. . Yes, the public want to know the details but sometimes we just don’t deserve them. Leave her in peace. She’s going through a ■■■■ time.


Not even doctored photos, it seems :joy:

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Might have saved looking up thecwilly wonka experience and ass lifting operations.