Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III

We only got into Heathrow last night and went straight to the hotel but up have Brekky now and every news channel is running it and every toilet rag here the same. Plenty of people seem upset at the news and I know some get a bit hysterical but one bloke on TV summed it up pretty well when he said that he felt for William with both his father and wife having battles with cancer and probably both more serious than they are letting on


So how is my position a load of crap then?

She has inserted herself into a position which people have for hundreds of years had an unrelenting and ferverous interest in.

She was in the hospital. She was then completely out of the public eye for several weeks. That will just peak peopleā€™s interest. A fake image will push it over the edge.

Itā€™s their fault and theirs alone. Utterly mismanaged this whole situation. Nobody wanted her medical records. They wanted to know what was up. People knew something was wrong, and they were correct.

They deserve all the scrutiny they get. Bunch of old toffy wankers


I think the early speculation was genuine concern around how long her recovery was taking and lack of comms. Then the idiots came into the picture. You canā€™t counter disinformation with silence and disinformation.

They said at the beginning, after Easter. How is that not enough information?

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Would have been fine if they hadnā€™t released a fake fkg photo of her with her kids.

That is despicable.

That was fine until Prince William dropped out of duties for family reasons. People started speculating. The PR team should have been proactive then especially since the King had announced his cancer and was publicly seen.

Some in here are trying to rewrite history. She released that photo trying to minimize all the hysteria about her absence.

Releasing a photoshopped image is just so despicable. lol.

Itā€™s not despicableā€¦but it is dumb in this day and age.


And her taking the blame, even if she was to blame. Someone, without cancer might have put up their hand to take responsibility.

I suspect that there are turf wars in the various Palace spin doctor teams, who wouldnā€™t be beyond exploiting the situation as ā€˜ informed insidersā€™.
The Wales have been releasing their own family photos sometimes, bypassing the Court photographers.

She used her kids to try and prove that she wasnā€™t dead.

TBH Iā€™m amazed anyone here really gives a ****.
Surely thereā€™s more interesting things to discuss!


It was the willy wonka cross over episode that did it for me.

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I come in here to escape the football threads


Who has worse control of their media minions, the AFL or the Royal family? Both could do with not listening to their spin doctors so much.

There was an episode on Hitchhikerā€™s Guide where the crew came across a group of people who thought theyā€™d been sent off to explore, but in fact, they were deemed to be in useless occupations and were more trouble than theyā€™re worth.

Very much the group that tabloid journalists and paparazzi belong toā€¦and to show how Iā€™ve mellowedā€¦normally Iā€™d say they should be lined up against the wall.

One paparazzo recently claimed his camera had been pushed and he was going to sue. If I were the judge, Iā€™d be putting that black silk square on my sconeā€¦and if his lawyer piped up, then he cops it too.

Naturally all Murdoch opinionistas donā€™t even get the benefit of a trial. Just shoot the ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  lot.


Fixed your typo.

If they want to be kept by taxpayers the least they can do is dance like monkeys


Best I let your ā€œcorridor of uncertantyā€ reply go through to the keeperā€¦ Itā€™s not my view but weā€™re all entitled to our opinions on this caper. But @b00bytrap @em2009 @IceTemple @Shelton10 et al speak for me here.

Its a sight to see the British tabloid red tops who went along with the social media jungle dance over Kate, now backpedalling rapidly and engaging a sustained wipe egg off face, arse covering exercise.

It is what it is. The RF rarely win out in twittersphere.


Just remind me what that privilege actually is? Easy parking for events no-one would choose to attend if the Royals werenā€™t there? Getting to make light conversation with notorious world leaders? Being photographed in every waking minute and some sleeping ones?


Surely you are not implying that their life isnā€™t privileged compared to 99.99999999999999999999% of the worldā€™s population.

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