Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III

Are we sending all royal families off to “explore” as well?

I don’t think you know what the world population is.


It’s way more than thirty.

I don’t think I need to for my statement to be relevant.

Not relevant, but accurate.


Honestly compare it to yours and tell me which you prefer.

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Ohh, the Royals. It’s not even a question.

Money isn’t a concern. No need to wait for any healthcare. Live in palaces with butlers.

Especially nowadays you don’t have to worry about some neighbouring empire trying to knock you off.

Hmmm, let me see

  • be mega rich versus not…mega rich thanks
  • have all my meals prepared and whatever I want versus having to prepare all my own meals…Royals for the win on that one
  • Never have to do housework versus doing it all…Royals still winning
  • Freely available best quality healthcare versus having to pay for health care (and still wait sometimes)…another Royals win
  • Not even knowing Essendon exist versus supporting this useless mob…Royals again.
  • Lack of anonymity versus being virtually completely unknown…I’ll take my life for that one
  • Jetting all over the world by either private jet or in the best seats available versus being stuck in cattle class…Another win for the Royals
  • Never having to do a real days work in their life versus working for over 40+ years…Royals again.

So apart from their overexposure by the media and incessant paparazzi harrassment, how are their lives worse than mine?


Can do practically any crime and you get exiled to the mountain estate.

No it’s definitely the parking

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Thanks for taking the time. Those two in themselves are enough.
The other one I strongly disagree with is “never having to do a real day’s work”. There is rarely a real day’s free time from birth and these people work into their 90s. Always expected to be polite, inspiring and culturally sensitive with angry punters while occasionally being shot at, burgled or abducted.
Combine that with the constant overexposure you mention and it would be exhausting- but you get caviar and an unheated palace, so it’s OK right? PS if you think the Dons tip the balance, keep in mind the Windsors supported Fitzroy at the G against Richmond.

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Somewhere in amongst all of this to and froing we seem to have forgotten that there’s a mother of 3 children facing a battle with cancer.



  • get thousands of apologists coming out and saying how tough your life is
    *get millions of sycophants always pumping up your tyres

And an equal number of haters telling you to foad.

I don’t hate them…not even a tad…I just don’t understand the fawning over a bunch of people deemed important purely because they were born to a certain set of parents.

What have they actually earned…from the moment they were born, they have been given every chance in life.

Compare William to Anthony Albanese…one born with the silver spoon…the other brought up by a single mother in state housing.

One will become King, purely because he was the first born son of his parents.

The other became Prime Minister of Australia without the benefits…he got there through hard work.

That’s something worth respecting.

So I don’t wish the royals to FOAD…I’ll be happy when we fark them off and no longer have to have anything to do with them.


I don’t have an opinion on the Royals as people.
I get mad when they’re presented as news, but I’m mad at news presenters, not the Royals.

Of course I wish Kate well.
I think the PR around all of it was amateur at best, and continues to be.
And I find Royal simps kinda wild, but we all have to have interests, I suppose.

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I don’t think anyone’s forgotten, they just think the stuffing around from what is essentially a massive PR agency has made this far far worse for a “mother of 3 children facing a battle with cancer” than it needed to be.

Whether it was the Royal press release in January stating categorically that she didn’t have cancer, or the complete lack of transparency, or the faked photos that were then attributed to Kate’s editing skills (which according to the new timelines she appears to have been playing around with editing in her first week of chemo …).

This is entirely on the Royals PR machine. And it’s that PR machine which has caused the situation where a corner of the internet is going to keep going down the “they’re lying to us” rabbit hole.

Should she be left alone to recover? Yes. And if they’d just been half up front from the start the media would have left them alone, like they were doing for a couple of months, until the Royal PR machine made an absolute mess of it.

Here’s the thing. I feel bad even writing this, but I am trying to separate the patient from the Royal PR stuff ups. And I think it’s 100% reasonable for the Royal PR machine to be criticised, and questioned, while still being respectful of Kate’s situation. It sucks. It really does. And hopefully it’s 100% treatable and she can make a full recovery.


Thoughts and prayers, etc.

Prince Harry’s b0ner goes ape?

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Ahhh… God ol P. Gingy strikes again.