Queen Elizabeth II to King Charles III


RIP King Chuck

I wonder if the funeral will be as big as Lizzy’s. Only been king for a year or so.

Such a reliable source!

So we could have two royal funerals within two years?

Hopefully these trends continue.

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Philip started work on his hearse decades before he died. Non-story.

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European media reports seem to be sourced from Page Six, the gossip section of the NY Post.
Updating Operation Menai Bridge.

If he abdicates before he dies does that mean no public holiday?

He better fkn not do that then.

The only perk of being part of this monarchy is public holidays if the leader pines for the fjords.


Surely we could come up with another ph to replace the monarch one.

We might get a novelty Regency period if Charles takes formal sick leave.


Is this gonna be like when Paul Bongiorno declared Prince Phillip dead on Twitter? And lived for another 5 years

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How far away from the throne is guelfi, being the prince of Perth?


Isn’t it up to parliament to appoint William regent?

In that scenario

Capital news.

1937 Act provides that the next in line gets the gig, provided they are over 18yo.
So, it would be Wills.

What happens if William can’t take the regency because of Kate’s health? Surely they won’t appoint either the pedo or the whinger?

Will would take it, regardless, imo.

I’m not sure. I think it depends how sick she really is. I have a feeling she may be worse than they’re letting on.