Season 2023 - Fark Carlton

Apparently Marchbank has gone for further scans on his knee or neck according to Mr BM
Dropping like flies there also

FARK Carlton


Hasn’t stopped them being active during trade period though!

Stupid Satisfactorly hard ground.


You mean he didn’t win the Nigerian Lottery?


His mum threw out the brown paper bag


OK … well pretty bad he lost all his money, but come on, so many red flags going on here, not the sharpest tool in the shed is he

Did the NAB refund his money is an unanswered question

Carlton star Jacob Weitering has opened up about losing his life savings in an unbelievably sophisticated phishing scam, revealing the ordeal had been so damaging it had affected his plans to start a family.

The former No. 1 draft pick said the scammers went to ­incredible lengths over seven days to get him to hand over everything he’d worked so hard for during his career.

“I honestly didn’t think it was going to happen to me, and it did. It could happen to anyone,” he said.

The 25-year-old told Hamish McLachlan in an exclusive interview in Saturday’s Herald Sun that it all started with a text message he received last September.

Weitering says scammers went to ­incredible lengths to get him to hand over everything. Picture: Getty

Weitering says scammers went to ­incredible lengths to get him to hand over everything. Picture: Getty

It said: “A suspicious transaction has been made using your accounts, please give us a call if this is not you.”

Weitering said he trusted it because it remarkably somehow appeared in an existing legitimate text message thread from his bank NAB about past suspicious transactions.

“I remember it being a Friday. So I wanted to get onto it pretty fast as I didn’t want my accounts to be drained over the weekend,” he said.

Then he received a couple of calls from a number that ­appeared as the fraud line from NAB on his phone.

“They spoke perfect English, the guy almost sounded as if he were an Englishman,” he said.

“They went through the suspicious transaction, and played on my emotions a little bit.

“It was perfect. The text, the caller ID, the blocking of the suspicious transaction.”

Weitering was told his ­accounts had been frozen but the money needed to be moved into what they called a “safeguarding account”.

Over the next week he sent amounts up to his daily transaction limit directly to the fraudsters – until all his ­accounts had been emptied.

“I sent them the money ­directly,” Weitering said. “That was the biggest mistake that I made, and that was built off the perfect role-playing at their end.

“We cleared all the ­accounts until they were empty, into what I thought was a safe account.”

Weitering said that once he had realised what had happened, he was devastated.

“It was a very significant amount of money that I’ve struggled to deal with over the last six months,” he said.

“It was that the money that I’d worked hard for, and saved, was all taken away. All gone.

“Everyone’s got to pay their bills – I’ve got a mortgage and would also like to start a family. It severely impacts those plans. I was able to process it quicker than family members and my partner, but it hasn’t been an easy process.”

The vice co-captain, who hadn’t told any of his teammates what happened because he wanted to get on with the game and with being a leader, said he was speaking out now to help others.

“It’s not just about me, it’s about families, it’s about couples, young couples, elderly people,” he said.

“It’s hard to imagine how sophisticated they are, at every step of the process.

“I felt I needed to (speak out about being a victim).

“I’m told around 70 per cent of people will not report being a victim of fraud and scams – because of embarrassment.”

Weitering bravely agreed to sit down with NAB CEO Ross McEwan for a video that will aim to educate and protect others.

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everyone should have to recite daily from primary school to the day they die, if a company contacts you and says pay money here, hang up and call them on a publicly listed number and ask to talk to who you just talked to, if that clown don’t work there youre in scam town.

also just block your accounts and get onto the fraud/scam lines via IB/app #s.


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I avoid being fleeced by being deeply deeply in debt, without a handy cracker to give to anyone.


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In all fairness, the ability for these ■■■■■■ to send texts from official phone numbers, so that the fraudulent and genuine message co-mingle is pretty terrifying and will catch people out.

The dogs who do this are well versed and are good at putting people under pressure. At the end of the day, golden rules are never give up private info, if in doubt hang up and call the bank/institution yourself, and never transfer money on someone else’s instructions, especially if you can’t see/access said destination account.

I mean, Fark Carlton, but I feel for the poor prick as this ■■■■ is getting more and more sophisticated and these ■■■■■ doing it are scum.


Dogs are good, these people are bad.

Fark carlton

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Don’t players have managers to deal with this ■■■■ for them.

What is he paying you for Liam Pickering?

Actually, knowing Pickers he was probably the one running the scam.


I hate these scams. My son got scammed and lost 2 years of savings last year - devastating for a 22 year old. Fark Carlton but I really feel for Weitering.


Liam Pickering isn’t his financial manager.
He’d only be dealing with transaction between club and player and taking his cut from there.
What happens after that is up to the individual.
I wouldn’t expect Liam Pickering be his accountant either.

Why was he so afraid that his accounts would be frozen?
Just tell the scammer to freeze the account and I’ll walk into a branch and sort it out from there.

I’ve had my account frozen whilst I used my credit card in transit. I rang the hotline and sorted it out.

This could really be sorted out by the Banks defining what they when there is an account hack.
It should be notify by sms, then it’s up to you to call the hotline. They will not call you and they will not ask you to transfer funds to a nominated account.
I’m sure they already do this, but public usually don’t worry about this stuff until they are actually scammed.

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Everything is logical in hindsight.

Like - why wouldn’t Essendon pick a Rioli over a Myers.