Skiing in Victoria

Good timing. Gonna be snow all week.

I’ve timed it perfectly the last couple of years. I always avoid June/start of July when planning ahead, but have managed to time my bookings to land right after big dumps. August-September I generally leave until the last minute and do a couple of mid-week runs when the conditions are good. There’s always accommodation available and the crowds are small.

Don’t know about the Vic fields but last weekend Perisher had a real good coverage and is due to get a stack more this week. Even Selwyn had a half decent coverage

Webcam from Falls (photo from just before midday today). Yesterday this was bone dry.


FF 24hrs…

Woot! Can’t wait for next weekend!

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Mate was up there yesterday. It’s good.

Another little freshen up tomorrow, up to 10cm. Maybe something else around the 22nd.

Every lift except Inter running.


At falls now. Going back home tomorrow. Pretty good dump yesterday and today.

Heading up tonight for a full day on the hill tomorrow.

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Looks snowy.

Like Buddy’s kitchen table.

Remember not to sit down in the middle of a run this time.

That only comes with a 10x year deal.

Storm of the decade apparently. Waste deep.
Maybe something mid next week.

Last Friday was brilliant. Had fresh snow all day and minimal crowds. Every time I started a run it was fresh tracks there was so much coming down. Massive stashes in amongst the trees, and plenty untouched stuff on the groomers all day. Ruined Castle and Scotts were virtually untouched all day. Loved it.



Currently -26c at Sun Peaks BC. -48c up on the higher peaks. Good Lord it’s cold.

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My daughter was snow boarding there just 10 days ago.
She’s based in Nelson near Whitewater, if you fancy more serious terrain

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Thanks for the tip but as a capable intermediate, there are plenty of challenges here.
It’s a terrific location. We came here because our research suggested that it was less populated than other Canadian resorts and its true. Sat/Sun were the busy days and the longest wait for a lift was about 3 minutes. Weekdays no wait at all. Another unexpected benefit is the lack of boarders. Skiers outnumber them 5-1. It’s usually 50-50 at the other locations we have been. No need to play human slalom with a annoyance of boarders spread across each run. A long way to go but I can recommend it for families with children or single 20-something year olds. Seriously, if you’re in that age group I encourage you to make your way here. I’d be staggered if you didn’t make new friends. Even two or more new friends at once.


Hard pass.