Spring bird attacks. Do you have a story?

I grew up in the country. Being swooped by magpies was fun.


You city people are all pants-■■■■■■■■ and lawsuit whores.


Like that lady who's suing the council because a bird swooped her. I mean f*** seriously

for real???? fark me...

This is my Dads story.

He was walking to play tennis in Fitzroy in 1945, having returned from WW2. That day he was to meet my Mum for the first time.

Got near the tennis court and heard a noise, instinctively after years of war, ducked and swung the tennis racket and smashed a big magpie to the ground. The bird was damaged but not dead, so he picked it up, took it to the tennis club and they fixed a broken wing and let the Magpie rest.

He took it home, cared it back to health and the Magpie, now called Gorilla, after his footy team Fitzroy, who were the Gorillas before they became the Lions. The bird never left his side and even flew to his work each day for years and it talked more than most parrots. He said it died in about 1956.

Now I always thought this was bullshite, but when he died and we cleaned all his old cheap up, we found a photo of Dad with this magpie sitting on his shoulder!

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I grew up in the country. Being swooped by magpies was fun.


You city people are all pants-■■■■■■■■ and lawsuit whores.


Like that lady who's suing the council because a bird swooped her. I mean f*** seriously

for real???? fark me...


council worker in the UK claimed 30,000GBP (got 7,000) for attack by seagull



Vermont woman attacked by bird claims to have required back surgery as a result, not sure how much she wants




man attacked by swan ends up drowning, wife sues.



pet duck flaps its wings, woman sues for $275K after breaking her wrist. duck put down.



man sues for $50K after being pecked on the leg by a rooster.




I grew up in the country. Being swooped by magpies was fun.


You city people are all pants-■■■■■■■■ and lawsuit whores.


Like that lady who's suing the council because a bird swooped her. I mean f*** seriously

for real???? fark me...


council worker in the UK claimed 30,000GBP (got 7,000) for attack by seagull



Vermont woman attacked by bird claims to have required back surgery as a result, not sure how much she wants




man attacked by swan ends up drowning, wife sues.



pet duck flaps its wings, woman sues for $275K after breaking her wrist. duck put down.



man sues for $50K after being pecked on the leg by a rooster.



wow..just wow..i can't even..

I feel like going for a walk. But I’m nervous about being attacked by birds. I was attacked by plovers two days in a row last week. They are ferocious SOBs. They have spurs and they go for your face. I’m gonna avoid that street. But are the other types of birds swooping yet?

Magpies !

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Oh hell.

I suppose this is the thread for this story as it does involve birds and attacks.

"The Crow"

A couple of years ago, while waiting for the kettle to boil, I was idly looking out the kitchen window when I noticed next door’s cat behaving strangely, On closer inspection, it was apparent that she was stalking a baby crow that had fallen from its nest and was unable to fly away to safety. Mama crow was dancing around nearby and obviously distressed by this, but was unable to assist her young 'un.

I thought I’d better do something about it, so I went out and the cat was so intent upon its prey that it didn’t even notice me. Just as it gave a last little bum wiggle and was about to pounce, I gave it a short, sharp smack on the nose. Once it had got over the surprise, it then fled home and proceeded to eye me stonily me over the fence with a look of extreme rancour on her face.

Little crow took this opportunity to half run, half hop down the side of the house and mother followed. Just when it seemed the crisis had passed, three magpies then appeared on the scene and proceeded to attack the adult crow. She bravely fought all three of them, while little hoppy kept fleeing along the fence line until it found a broken paling and was able to jump through to the relative safety of the long grass next door. As soon as missus crow saw that her bub was safe, she disengaged from the magpie fight and raced to join her offspring in what I hoped was a safe place.

A couple of weeks later, I was out in the back garden when a crow landed beside me and just stood there looking at me. When I moved along to the next job, it followed me and stayed with me for about half an hour. I like to think it was the mother crow and she was thanking me for helping to save her little one.

The cat still isn’t talking to me.


Ha ha good story. I’m still nervous though. :slight_smile:

We have a large Alaskan Malamute who is not fond of birds.

She was swooped by a magpie in our backyard and must have sensed it coming, as she spun around and just snapped that magpie out of the air, two chomps and spat it out on the grass. Looked very pleased with herself!!

I had an eclectus parrot sit on my shoulder and try to pull my mask off for nearly ten minutes the other day. Does that count?

Was riding my bike with my daughter a couple of years ago. Riding down this one street and there was a couple doing their gardening in their front yard. As we passed the lady was coming at me with a shovel yelling and I actually thought she was going to attack us. Turns a magpie was coming down to swoop us and she was trying to scare it off. Wanted to go back and thank her but wasn’t up for getting swooped by the magpie again.

Got smacked in the helmet last Sunday by a magpie while riding. It kept coming at me, a couple of times. So I got off the bike and took my helmet off and was ready to go it.

Had not been swooped for years.

If a bird smacks you in the helmet, you need to find a new place to meet birds.

We have a magpie that loves being around our house. It knows us though and just ignores us (accepts). It even walks past my window where my desk is and stops and talks to me. Funny bird that one. Has been living with us for years so has no issue with us. I think he swoops people meandering past our house though.

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.What’s with the judgement??

Some might like that …


I recently read an article on crows stating they are the only non-primate to use tools to assist them with tasks.

It also said they have amazing memories, hold a grudge if wronged and will pass that grudge down through the generations. If this is true I imagine they would recognise a good deed and keep that memory.


My hatred for birds is up there with Mosquitoes.

I must’ve been a crow in a previous life…