That's a funny Pronunciation

What are people’s views on “cassel” vs “carsell” as the pronunciation for ‘castle’?

As a Victorian, it’s always been the former for me, but for others this is a real hassle ( “harsell”?)

  • Oh FFS, we can’t even say p.r.o n. now?

For me it has always been New-Carsell rather than New-Cassell. On the other hand, for all us Melburnians it is Heath-curt whereas here in Sydney it is Heath-coat. And I have always said Can-burra whereas alot up here call it Can-Beara.

That used to be the way you could tell a Vic from a nonVic, but I’ve met far too many Vics who go the second route.

I’ve always thought it’s generally hard to tell where a person is from - except for Adelaide. They sound more English. Obviously particular words and particular pronunciations can identify.

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‘cassel’ sounds farkin yank to me.


David Astle pronounces his surname as ‘As-tell’.

I can understand why he doesn’t rhyme it with what people are telling me ‘castle’ sounds like.

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Australian accents really emphasise the first syllable, the second/third ones are an afterthought.

It only just struck me about 3AM last night that the classic example of stupid English pronounciation is “English”
We pronounce the E in “engage” and “engender”.
But “English” gets an I.
Stupid language.


The way I say them:


I reckon the movie was a turning point. The cast seemed to say Carstle. Because it is such a beloved fillum, the pronunciation in Victoria turned the same way.

In Australia age group seems to almost as big an influence on accent as location. Obviously as you age your mouth gets a little lazy anyway, but accent shifts can clearly be heard through generations.

I remember asking someone in Sydney where Castlereagh St was.

From Melbourne, are you?

You people pronouncing "darby’ when it’s spelt as ‘derby’ is very peculiar. Have another look at the spelling before saying it next time round.

The Melbourne suburb of Vermont is a good example of how we emphasise the first syllable.
I can’t say it the Australian way for the life of me.

Vics really said “cassel” more often? Wow, I never even think I heard that. It seemed to always be “carsel” from hearing and saying it.

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Inner city snob. :laughing:

‘Twas always pronounced ‘cassel’ in the outer burbs (although I enjoy using ‘twas - so I guess I am turning snobbish). :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Same. In terms of English, I think Australia has the lowest regional variation in the world, unlike in the U.K. & the States.

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Might be just the Adelaide people I know but as well as darnce and charnce, I reckon don’t say ‘pool’ like most do. It’s often more like it would rhyme somewhere between pooh and pole, but with a ‘w’ where the ‘l’ should be. And ‘bank’ can sound like ‘baink’.

‘Ankle’ is the double whammy - ‘aink-w’


I say dance but I also say charnce.


When Mrs Wim first came over from Adelaide, people would mock her accent.
‘Oh, it’s two-thirtay, I have to go to the boink.’

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Or Canbra.

Have a look at what language you’re speaking before pointing at spelling.

When I visited a mate back home (in Perth - I’m from Melbourne) a couple of years ago, he pulled me up on my pronunciation of ‘garage’. I pronounced it gr•aazh (guh-raj). He pronounced it ga•raazh.

And then there’s ‘ga-ridge’