The Beer Thread

Little beer shop at South Melbourne Market has great prices. Got the Founders breakfast stout for $8 and the Boatrocker stout (can) for $7. They have a great selection there too.


I have the Breakfast Stout in my fridge and was contemplating whether or not to have it tonight!

Boatrocker released 2019 Ramjet on their web store at 7pm this evening if anyone is keen to get it. $20 a 375ml bottle though, which would prohibit the casual drinker. I’ve had a couple over the years and it’s always good.

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I’m drinking the Breaky Stout right now and it’s so good. Get into it!

I wouldn’t mind checking out the Ramjet. I’m a wine nerd so these ridiculous beer prices don’t worry me too much. Much cheaper to have a few nice beers than a really good bottle of wine.

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I went with Dieu du Ciel Aphrodisiaque instead. Similar big rich roasty cocoa stout goodness!

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Awesome i’ll check it out!

It’s Canadian but I’ve seen them in Oz before. Especially, get their Peche Mortel if you see it. Both similar price and stouty goodness to Breakfast Stout, you’ll love them.

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Nitro milk stout at Stomping Ground and the laneway for the other half.


Taxes on beer go up tomorrow.

42% of the price you pay for beer is TAX including GST

Most expensive beer in the world, right here in OZ

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What is it currently?

A LOT. (Not sure)

It’s just going up as I think it’s linked to CPI.

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Haha, is CPI even going up? Cheeky bastards.

Pre-tax increase splurge.


Loving the Reds lately.

Sunset from 2 Birds was great.

Jasper from Stone & Wood not as good, but ok.

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I’m a huge fan of reds. Always have been. Jasper didn’t impress me much at all. The Sunset ale is good and their double Sunset is a beauty. Red ■■■■ was up there. Quite malty. Not sure what area you’re in but the Clifton Hill Brewpub does a magnificent Irish Red.

Clifton hill? It’s just a minute or two on my fixy*, maybe more coming back up the hill after a few beers.

*dont own a fixy, JICAWW


North Coast Red Seal Ale is worth a look. Nice beer from California.

Also had an Exit Milk Stout from a can on the weekend. I’d had it a few years earlier but they seem to have improved it a lot in that time. First time around i was meh, this time i really enjoyed it.


And that ■■■■■■■ fake Christian phoney douche scomo , who got on the end of a beer when ever there was a camera around during the election.

You reckon beer tax is bad? Spirits is a straight up rort. Excise tax on spirits is now at the rate of $85.57 per Litre of absolute alcohol (LAL). Or about $24 a bottle.

Before the game on Sat, my mates and I hit up Bodriggy in Collingwood. We probably started a bit early. Anyway the Cosmic Microwave NEIPA was the pick of the 3 beers that I had. Their food menu, although quite different was a little uninspiring. We had some tacos which were ok.

We then moved onto Stomping Ground for a few more and then Penny Blue in the city.

Apart from the footy it was a good day.

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This is confirmed.

What cracker.

Have decided reds, browns my current favourites

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