The concert and gig thread

Pretty sure the frontman’s a keen Bomber too.


Yep, he is a talented bloke too

Designed the Melbourne logo but is a Bomber.


Had a great night too, Gurus always great, just a very special band.


No one posting Idles last night is criminal

Was funny hearing him say they remember playing at Punters across the road. Over the 25 years since they’ve played the same sized gigs here. They have a hardcore fanbase of a few hundred in each city who just keep seeing them each tour.

Also, opening with a new song is a no no for me!

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yeah have had great chats with dave about the bombers over the years ( I reckon he might lurk here just quietly)
also wasn’t exactly the biggest fan of recent board spill lolz


I was gonna say, I saw them and Millencolin at the Punters years back.


So the No Fun At All show this arvo At Last Chance was pretty good. Wasn’t really advertised, so only about 60 punters there. Same set as the night before, which was fine by me. Band happy to mingle and drink with the punters pre show.

If you haven’t been to Last Chance. It’s a dive bar, and the stage is only about 4M wide, and the band room the size of a 3 car garage. Think it holds <100.

But how do bands make money playing such small gigs? They’ve just released an album, does the label pay for the tour, and tickets/merch are just cream? I presume these guys don’t have other jobs.

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Is that the one on Victoria St (opp Vic Market)?

No idea about the band making money, I’d suggest they didn’t make anything from your gig today. But, it’s probably nice to be playing again and supporting their new release.

Probably a break even tour, and a nice trip to Oz.



they probably get paid overs to play at a festival in front of heaps more, and the European touring season is ending. Probably thought they’d get some nice weather here. Either way, they looked like they enjoyed it. They set up and break down their own gear, hung out with their fans. Just seem like super regular nice people.


They might’ve had a gap day when the tour promoter was originally trying to build the tour and the opportunity popped up to fit in another show on short notice. Might have been enough money from the door to give them all a per diem and that’s all.

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Often bands will throw in an extra show at a smaller bar for abit of fun…. I guess it keeps them grounded. But alot of larger bands also started doing it to help out the smaller venues.

I don’t imagine Last chance is doing great in the current economic climate…. Like most local venues.

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Fark I get jelous reading this thread, a needy 6yo daughter who
adores her daddy and work,work and more farkin work( thankyou inflation and an interest rate which is startin to get a little worrying) live music is a no no for me, although we did catch Baker boy at the royal show😁


Ok, Mudhoney are back, and lots of small gigs.

Already lined up for The Corner, might check out Castlemaine or Torquay pub (WTF?)


Love Mudhoney, saw them first at the '93 big day out and at the corner hotel a couple of times since.



That BDO show was a blast. They’re probably the one band I’ve never stopped listening to and checking when they’re touring.

Was it you in the wheelie bin in the middle of the field hiding from the rain?


there’s always plenty of all ages shows happening around Melbourne and Victoria. I took my son who is about the same age, to an AA show on the weekend.

Thankfully he loves his punk rock, so I can bring him to see bands I want to see.


No and i also wasn’t among those throwing mud at the band. Would love to re-live that day.


Jesus. Iggy looks crook there. Hasn’t aged a bit since though.


You can see the cuts/scratches on his abdomen that he inflicted on himself during “Dirt”. I was right up near the front for his set.

‘…do you feel it when you cut me’