The Wrestling Thread

Just read that Perth boys Mikey Nicholls and Shane Haste have signed with WWE. May seem them on NXT shortly. Have been in New Japan for last 18 or so months.

Seen much of them DJR?

Mikey Nicholls was at MCW in Essendon in February. Hard to make a great statement on his skills, as the match mostly consisted of Pom Jimmy Havoc (recently seen on TNA) delaying contact foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever.

Violins are cool, m’kay?

Rumours circulating that Chyna has passed away…only 45

yeah WWE has issued a statement on her passing. Now that she has died I’m sure they will put her in the Hall of Fame.

Steph sending out a tweet with condolences comes across as very 2 faced, seeing as she was the one of stole HHH from Chyna, and then made her life hell while at the company

Suuuuuuuuuurely they can’t be stupid enough to keep Reigns (and Finn) face in nine days time? Surely.

(Definitely not sure on that.)

So what’s the angle with Balor Club?

It’s Balor, Gallows and Andrews. Is AJ with them too? Are they supposed to be heels or faces?

I get the sense this is supposed to be exciting …

It’s exciting because legit no one knows what will happen. It’s terrifying because some of the options, especially if you go with the conventional line that The Guy can never be a villain and Outsiders may never win, would be a disaster live in Chicago and a horrid waste for a long time afterwards.

The wrestling world (not just WWE, all over the world) of the last couple years is drunk… haymakers everywhere, some connecting, and some just getting huge air and the puncher falling into the gutter.

Has anyone watched the Jake the Snake Resurrection doco?

The guy who made it Diamond Dallas Page is going to be at a screening here in melbourne somewhere I believe, and then running his Yoga classes.

DDP turned up at MCW tonight. BANG!

And the night ends with the BEST. INVASION. EVER.

TMDK (no Nicholls or Haste, obviously) ran in on the main event, destroyed Sexton (yay, I say), anyone who tried the rescue, the ring, EDWIN the ref (guaranteed molten heat there, he makes Bayley look like a heel).

That included Shield-bombing Ballroom Brawl winner Mr Juicy through the announcers table.

Krakerjak returned as the last person in the Brawl, after one year away (and I stood and squealed like a little girl) but self-eliminated in taking Preston and Payne out. He was not involved in the end-of-night shenanigans, and I’m nominating him as our eventual saviour.

…Payback off to a bad start :confused:

I just youtubed it based on your comment. That looked seriously bad. Hope he’s OK.

just saw the footage, looked really nasty. Looked really similar to when Chyna threw Vince over the top rope during the corporation v.s DX royal rumble. You just see his neck snap back

He’s okay apparently. Just concussion. But you can see his eyes roll back in the slow mo.

Jericho was speaking about the baseball slide being one of the most dangerous moves in his podcast last week…

Cole must be in serious shock over Enzo, he used the word “hospital” (though only as a follow-up to the usual “local medical facility”).

Other Payback spoilers below. Solid show, with the usual few caveats.

LOL at the pre-show match: when Ziggler came out he got a huge pop, much bigger than what Corbin had got. And the sound got turned down SOOOOO fast.

You’ll like what we tell ya, damnit!

Ryback got plenty of crowd reaction from Chicago by mocking CM Punk… and, contrary to his general reputation, gets credit here for saving Kalisto from killing himself, and otherwise making Kalisto look great. But there is zero reason for him to go to the top rope against such an opponent, which really hurt the credibility of an otherwise surprisingly good match.

Zayn/Owens and Cesaro/Miz were well-defined face/heel matches with great action, and the crowd ate it up. I see a month of tag team matches and then a four-way match for the Title coming up…

Ambrose and Jericho action doesn’t grab me nearly as much, though I do admire Embarrassing Dad Scarfy McJericho’s schtick. Ambrose might want to learn how to wrestle at some stage, though.

I don’t care if Bret Hart has been dragged there against his will — the champ should always come out last.

The match didn’t match up to its earlier version at NXT — but to be honest what I remember most about that match was the amazing performance by Natalya, Heyman, and Tyson Kidd on the post-show.

As for the ending… FARK. THIS. COMPANY. and its godawful disrespect for women’s wrestling since Wrestlemania.

Yes, I know the ref was Little Naitch, but it was just stupid.

I skipped the twenty minutes of McMahon promos.

And… here… we… go.


The table exploding after the phenomenal elbow got the crowd to stop being snarky. But ■■■ what a ■■■■■■ (false) ending… AJ Styles is a little little man and can’t get Roman back into the ring.

Killed the crowd, too.

Overbooking Stage 2, for the low blow call. Which gives us the ‘No Disqualification’ call. Let the run-ins begin!

Ow. Reigns gets a legit low blow, with the corner of the table ensuring this part of the family will beget no more WWE superstars.

LOL at all the fans gesturing for the run-in post-Superman-punches.

Bullet Club is stupidly (?) lazy: you’re supposed to drag your man over the top of the victim.

Suddenly the little little man can easily throw Reigns back into the ring. How convenient.

Reigns wins clean. He’s no technical wonder, but his PPV match quality is undeniably solid. If only he wasn’t booked so embarrassingly.

So… based on that little spiel at the end, I’m expecting a re-match for the title at Raw tomorrow. Maybe Finn can develop some character then.

Goddamnit Kevin, have you no respect for kayfabe?

I really like AJ vs Roman as a match-up. Reigns sucks on the mic and has been terribly booked, but those two work well in the ring together. Got a better sense of how big he is too when up against Gallows/Anderson (whichever the taller one is…)

Well, there’s your anti-climatic ending…

Oops. Typed a few seconds too early.

But either way they appear to have finished their hottest heavyweight title story in years, with a whimper.

I did like the “RIP Katie Vick” sign.

Thats AJ styles 3rd ppv match in a row he has lost.

Rollins returns and is one of the most over babyfaces, but nobody is allowed to get cheered over Reigns- so they put him heel. Sigh