The Wrestling Thread

Vince’s hard-on for small blonde women has been pretty well documented.

Alexa took pretty much zero bumps during the ladder match. And now I think about it, it’s the same deal in most of her matches. Hmm.

Rousey is brilliant.

Having Braun win is blooody stupid. The briefcase is literally just a plot device to move some in to (instant) title contention. Absolutely no one on this planet would think Braun just being straight up given the next match or three vs Bork is unreasonable, so why did they bother giving him the case? Now they’ve gotta come up with someone else to face Bork, and even then we now know they’ll just be a placeholder until the “”“shock”"" cash-in, Plus it’s a multi-man ladder match so it’s not a stretch of believability at all to have Braun not win. Stupid stupid stupid.

That final low blow at the end of AJ/Shinsuke was just… oof. Involuntary flinch, tear to the eye stuff.

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To be fair, the crowd popped for both of Akexa’s wins. That’s a failure of booking (she is meant to be the bully) but it’s a lot better than the reaction Reigns gets.

Lots of online smarks having a tanty over her being back on top, though.

Bliss is okay but Banks is a far better wrestler, better heel and as good a promo.

I had Bliss as the second worst woman wrestler on the main roster before yesterday. But after Lana worked her backside off in the ladder match, I’ve swapped those two.

I don’t think she’s bad, she’s just getting a Roman-style push, at the expense of Banks, who’s actually good.

But in reality I’ve not cared so little for the main roster in years. It’s full of wrestlers I like but simply do not care about any more.

Wow, continuity!

Rollins loses exactly the same way the next night, albeit to someone nowhere near as over as Elias.

I can’t warm to AJ Styles.

I don’t know what it is about him and just don’t like it. He’s a good wrestler, but I get really bored by him.

Maybe its because he is so incredibly southern.

Lesnar hasn’t been seen in America since Wrestlemania. It’s hard to flirt with the opportunity of cashing in the Briefcase, when the champion is never there.

The WWE has a fascination with Heals holding the belts.

He’s one hell of a wrestler and one hell of a boring face.


-edit- note the ref’s reaction

Big Cass fired by Vince himself. Amazing effort in a time where they don’t fire anyone, ever.

Ooft. Didn’t even get the “future endeavours” line.

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The B+ Little Man beat the Hoss.

Without enzo he is just a big guy with a tan. Doesn’t have any charisma.

Badaboom most unemployed guy in the room


Those two were the hottest thing going just two years ago.

Meanwhile Carmella holds a title belt. The world is a funny place.

Imagine the coin they’d be able to make, with one-off appearances at Indie shows.

Wore a Collingwood jumper today.

Dead to me.

(Carmella wore Fark Carlton.)

Watched the UK specials yesterday and today. Cracking stuff. Worth watching the 6 man tag from day 1, and pretty much all of day 2. Takeover-level quality.

Yeah that thing kinda came out of no where. Need to check it out.