Things yer little uns say

4yo has just learnt to fasten his own seatbelt clips. While waiting for the 2nd click before reversing out of the parking spot I get “just start driving you silly old man”

Some recent stuff that made me chuckle :smile:

"My friend George has two sisters and one brother, and one of his sisters has three brothers "

“It’s ok to be bitten by a spider if your name’s Peter Parker”

And the closing to baa baa black sheep
“one for the master one for the dame and one for the little boy who lives in your bum”


4 year old - Daddy do you know what a lady man is?

Husband - awkward silence

4 year old - you know the men who have short hair at the front and long at the back.

Husband - phew…thats a mullet son.

On a similar note, and not uncommon living in the inner North, my kids would come home from kinder and say ‘dad. Did you know ‘Jimmy’ has 2 mums?’

Don’t even need to explain it, kids have no issue with it.

Made my four year old daughter some toast for breaky, she looks at me “ummmmm Daddy where is the bacon”.

Made my four year old daughter some toast for breaky, she looks at me "ummmmm Daddy where is the bacon".

You only get bacon when you win.

At Windy Hill last weekend.
Bomber guernsey being auctioned off.
4 year-old-ish kid yells out: Well, I’ve already got one!

Been trying to get my 4-year-old son to watch Bombers games with me, but living o/s and having none of his friends know what it is makes it tough. Last weekend I asked him to come sit down to watch and he said no thank you.
Suddenly the commentators said Leuenberger and he exclaimed “hamburger?!” Then Fantasia got it and he said “Malaysia!” He sat down with me. “Daddy, I like the Bombers because I went to Malaysia, and I love eating hamburgers!”

Whatever it takes.

The Fantasia Disney thing should shift a few jumpers surely

Been trying to get my 4-year-old son to watch Bombers games with me, but living o/s and having none of his friends know what it is makes it tough. Last weekend I asked him to come sit down to watch and he said no thank you. Suddenly the commentators said Leuenberger and he exclaimed "hamburger?!" Then Fantasia got it and he said "Malaysia!" He sat down with me. "Daddy, I like the Bombers because I went to Malaysia, and I love eating hamburgers!"

Whatever it takes.

That’s great.

Dad can I borrow the car?

Me: "what do you want to get mummy for mother’s day? "
Son: "a birthday card "

Was pushing a 3 year old dingus jr past some construction works. He excitedly leans out of the pram, points and yells “DIGGERS!”, just as we pass 5 aboriginal gents walking the other way.

Good times.

My 4 year old pointing at a picture of some planets:

"This is earth, this is mercury, and this one is Queensland "

My 4 year old pointing at a picture of some planets:

"This is earth, this is mercury, and this one is Queensland "

Seriously - you can ghost write a book for the little guy.
I’d buy it.

Will never forget my oldest nephew, when at age 3, knew what every car make was…and most of models too.

After picking Isobel’s 5yo daughter up from primary school for her, a couple of days later Isobel couldn’t understand why her daughter was calling other drivers “F…ing morons” I have no idea.

After picking Isobel's 5yo daughter up from primary school for her, a couple of days later Isobel couldn't understand why her daughter was calling other drivers " morons" I have no idea.

Did you tell Isobel that perhaps she learned it through another dimension?
That’s the excuse I would have used.

After picking Isobel's 5yo daughter up from primary school for her, a couple of days later Isobel couldn't understand why her daughter was calling other drivers " morons" I have no idea.

Did you tell Isobel that perhaps she learned it through another dimension?
That’s the excuse I would have used.

Good form - love it! :smiley:

Have you noticed how quickly these little brats learn curse words!?

“Daddy you tickle me like a strange man”

I don’t know how to interpret that.