Training report - Thursday 4 February 2021

Clone_Hirdy’s Training day journal

It’s 2:07pm on the 4th Feb 2021, it’s been what seems like an eternity since training finished and there is still no sign of the man known as @nackers to provide relief in the way of a training report!

It’s now 2:13pm and things have escalated with some Blitzers beginning to turn on each other like a scene out of Lord of the Fly’s. The mods sitting there defiantly keeping a close eye on a particular few who are known to insight violence.

It’s now 2:17pm and god help us all if nackers doesn’t make it back in before sunset. Some Blitzers with office job’s who are “working from home” are known to have a drink or three in the late afternoon…

This will be my final journal entry at 2:22pm. There is still no sign of nackers anywhere and I have a meeting to get to in 10 minutes where I will most likely be thinking about the training report rather than focusing on what I need to do. If you don’t hear back from me in the next 2 hours, it’s probably because I am taking a nap. Godspeed everyone!