If we genuinely go to 4 day work week, surely we keep the public holidays too?
I wonder what the compromise is in other countries?
- less annual leave
- less public holidays
If we genuinely go to 4 day work week, surely we keep the public holidays too?
I wonder what the compromise is in other countries?
There doesn’t need to be a compromise. You’ll work longer but fewer days. It can be quite advantageous for business where overtime is constant. If anything they’ll save money.
Don’t see us going to a 4 day week anytime soon. I don’t know hardly anyone doing 40hr weeks, most are doing 45-50
We should.
It’s mad that we’re not.
It’s ‘you have to work in the office’ redundant thinking that we’re not.
Goddamn. How can anyone work five days a week anymore?
Can’t you see we’re damaged?
In the thing I just read. It said that people worked 80% of the time for the same pay.
Throw in the Universal Basic Income and watch the economy go gang busters.
4 day working weeks,
What I’m seeing with a lot of the unions (in my industry anyway) is that they are willing to allow and sometimes openly push for longer days, less OT, but only 4 days per week worked. I don’t think 4 days with less hours per week on the same pay will ever get across the line tbh, or at least not in my working life.
4 Day weeks start on Monday every Friday off long weekend saved,
Yes the same with the Union I deal with, but 2 hours on the end/start of a 4 day week would be accomodated, not a decrease in working hours
It all rests on whatever happens with productivity gains in the economy. At the moment all the gains get hoovered up by the big three private equity firms (and their shareholders).
For shorter working hours to be genuinely on the table again (like they were in this country between the 1850s and 1980s) then workers need to be gaining some share in the genuine productivity gains (over and above cost of living adjustments which may or may not be keeping place with inflation). From there taking productivity gains either in terms of time (genuinely less weekly hours worked and not just more hours on less days) or money become two plausible options.
Melbourne cup was never a holiday in country vic when I was at school in the 70’s and 80’s not any thing to do with Kennett at that time
It was always only a Melbourne Metro holiday when I was a kid and that was well before Jeffrey.
I remember being at school in Melbourne on cup day.
I got it wrong then. On the radio this morning there was something about him changing one holiday from Vic wide to metro
There used to be something about the Government authority to declare public holidays for anything but horse racing or something like that.
In primary, the Principal decided we should therefore all go to school on Cup Day. Only half the kids turned up. It never happened again.
Was that Show Day or did he axe that completely?
I know he also got rid of the Bank Day which IIRC was Easter Tuesday and Vics got 5 days off
That must have been some sort of record for detention.
If we went to 4 day week, would be happy to scrap public holidays except around christmas / new year.
It is noted that people when reduce hours become more productive but currently the business banks those gains unless the individual has been a advocate.
Certainly wasn’t a public holiday in the south-west. Warrnambool Cup Day is though.
Melbourne Cup Day always seemed to be an exam day at the Exhibition Building when i was at uni.