Violence Against Women

Is he/she/it getting belted because he/she/it is a woman, or because he/she/it is a big boofhead.

I’ve still got my doubts about some of this transgender crap. Every time I look, there’s another letter tacked on after LGB

what exactly is ‘transgender crap’ ?

Is he/she/it getting belted because he/she/it is a woman, or because he/she/it is a big boofhead.

Does it matter? Neither are good enough reasons

Violence against women
Violence against men
Violence against children
Violence against gays
Violence against Christians
Violence against Jewish

There’s a common denominator there. And it’s not gender, age, race, religion or sexual orientation

Why is violence against women worse? I find this form of discrimination very frustrating, it sounds like we are saying “we want to be equal, but when this happens to women it’s worse”. We should make sure everybody is safe from violence!!

It’s not necessarily.

It’s just never been treated with appropriate gravity. Hell, it used to be legal. And for a long while after that it was almost ignored by the cops.

Why is violence against women worse? I find this form of discrimination very frustrating, it sounds like we are saying "we want to be equal, but when this happens to women it's worse". We should make sure everybody is safe from violence!!

I understand what you’re saying.
I think it ignores the broader affects violence against women has on society from a female point of view.
Equality would be great, but let’s not pretend we have it or are anywhere near achieving it.
It’s violence, and equally the potential for violence, against women that make women feel threatened in situations where men don’t even consider the possibility of a threat.
And that’s not equality.

That’s a brush-stroke argument, I don’t really have the time right now to go into it fully.

There has been a significant jump in the number of women seeking help to leave abusive relationships in the past year, South Australia’s Domestic Violence Gateway Service says.

The service reported a 20 per cent increase in the number of calls it received in 2015 compared with 2014.

The service’s executive officer, Gillian Cordell, said ongoing public attention on the issue had helped more women feel empowered to reach out.

It seems the UN now have a lot to answer for…

There has been a significant jump in the number of women seeking help to leave abusive relationships in the past year, South Australia's Domestic Violence Gateway Service says.

The service reported a 20 per cent increase in the number of calls it received in 2015 compared with 2014.

The service’s executive officer, Gillian Cordell, said ongoing public attention on the issue had helped more women feel empowered to reach out.

QLD : 2000 calls to domestic violence hotline in 4 days.

I dont like violence of any sort, its not necessary.
I also think Rosie Batty has been doing an amazing job after such a tragedy.

Just a couple of things from my personal experience, and from some of the debates and comments I have been hearing on the radio the past few weeks.
I dont know the numbers, but we cant forget that domestic violence isnt just against women. I’m sure you guys have been talking about that part of this issue, and I dont want to belittle any part of the arguments.

I was a victim of domestic violence in my first marriage. I worked three jobs, we had two kids, one was a “special child”. My wife would polish off a bottle of jonny walker during the day, and fly into me when I got home. I copped black eyes, bruising, had to doge pots and pans, and for what reason I still dont know. At that time, if I said anything, I was told to man up, and it was treated like a big joke. I was even called a ■■■■■ by a cop at one stage.

On the weekends, she would get drunk, start an argument, then dissapear out the door. She would reappear sometimes a day or two, sometimes a week later. While she was gone I would get drunken phone calls during the night from abusive guys, threatening me, or asking where my wife was…as it turns out, she was hooking up with members of a well known bikie gang.
All this time, my youngest was going without the specific care he needed, and was not even properly diagnosed.

In about the 4th year of this, when she did one of her vanishing tricks, I changed the locks, went to my solicitor and worked out a plan where I could move on with my boys. This basically involved going to court to apply for custody. It was a nasty time, more threats, my house was rocked and once my rubbish bins were even set on fire.
To cut a long story shortish, three court appearances, a few meetings with child protection, yooralla and others, my son was diagnosed, I paid my ex off and gave her all of our shared belongings and started again. Divorce was granted eventually due to no contest ( she never came to court)

Then I had to contest with the child support agency. When ever I had to contact them I was treated like some kind of criminal until they realised I was calling as the recipient of the child support. I was obviously some kind of novelty to them.

I know I am not alone in this kind of situation, there are others. Some to scared to come forward, to scared to have their “manhood” questioned because they are beaten by a woman.

I hate it all, and it cant be put down to gender, alcoholism, social aspect, race. Its everywhere. men, women, poor, rich,it dosnt matter.


Thanks for sharing. And ■■■■■■ well done on being a top bloke.

Yep, what Darli said, Well done mate, hope the kids are doing well & that it’s all up from here.

Well said Bonzo, what you did took enormous courage and showed you were far more of a man than all those idiots calling you names, including that cop.

Thanks guys…I appreciate it. It was a long time ago…and yeah kids are all good…I have another kid now and one still cooking…due ANZAC day. Not to mention a fantastic caring and sensitive wife.
Funnily enough…i consider myself to be “over it” yet when I was typing that…and recalling it…I got a little shaky. I guess these things stay with us in someway forever.

Why is violence against women worse? I find this form of discrimination very frustrating, it sounds like we are saying "we want to be equal, but when this happens to women it's worse". We should make sure everybody is safe from violence!!

It not worse, just happens far more frequently and far more seriously. Are 2 Australian men being killed each week by their current or ex-partner?

Also I think you will find that majority (not all) of violent crime commit against men are perpetrated by other men.

So what you’re saying is, instead of “violence against women” we should call it “violence by men”

On a side note, pretty bad case in NYC this past fortnight but at least the guy was stupid enough to film it and post it on his own social media account so got nabbed pretty quick (also incredibly quick to back pedal once he started copping it himself)


Why is violence against women worse? I find this form of discrimination very frustrating, it sounds like we are saying "we want to be equal, but when this happens to women it's worse". We should make sure everybody is safe from violence!!

It not worse, just happens far more frequently and far more seriously. Are 2 Australian men being killed each week by their current or ex-partner?

Also I think you will find that majority (not all) of violent crime commit against men are perpetrated by other men.

Here’s another high quality individual…

Up there with this bloke

Really great interview with Jimmy Bartel.