
The ban due to heavy metals is what ended Flake in Sydney,… besides it mostly came from Vic, and they have their own Fisheries to support so what is abundant & profitable up that way wins the day. Flake (Gummy) is way more plentiful in the Southern waters.

Local abundant and fresh gets the Guernsey as the popular fish in every locale, … “Cod n Chips” or Haddock (North?) etc in the UK.

This thread sure is where it’s at. I think I’ll go vego:

Vinnie likes universal facts. It is NOT possible for someone to objectively rank reptiles over cats!

Except when they do…

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You have crossed the intellectual divide on BB.

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It could just mean that that the boats going out & catching squid are getting better catches than ever.

Or it could mean in 50 years time that squid will rule the oceans, who knows?

I hope everyone likes calamari, I know I do

Sometimes birds look down at me and think I’m pathetic because I can’t fly. Whilst true, I don’t believe it gives them the right to swoop down and peck me. Elephants mock me because I’m small and weak, but trampling me when I’m innocently walking through the jungle is a stomp too far.

I tell them we are kindred species with much sameness of emotion, family ties and a desire for life free from suffering, fear and pain, and that size, IQ, strength or which species we are have no moral relevance.

Then the birds and the elephants tell me that humans are pathetic greedy creatures who destroy the only home we all have, each other and all other species on Earth, and unless they change and learn to fit in on this planet they are doomed because that’s how evolution, karma and getting the fark what you deserve works.


The point I guess is that the ‘breeding to eat’ doesn’t seem to be a factor. So it comes back to a judgment of intelligence/communication/self awareness etc. For you. I’m not sure there is any right position - frutarians, vegans, vegos, pescatarians, most-of-us-who-eat-meat it’s a spectrum and the line’s in a different place depending on what any individual thinks is important.

So I think Vinnie’s question is a very interesting one, aliens or not.

I go fishing, and eat fish. For me on balance it’s a great way to get food. And fun for me. I’ve had other fishers justify it be saying that ‘fish don’t feel pain’. I don’t buy that though - why do they leap and fight and run? I Have to rationalise it to myself on the basis of the balance between the benefit i get out of it versus the overall cost. And to me it’s worth it. Same with eating chicken and beef and lamb. Because the way anyone does that weighing up is up to them, there is no right or wrong about it - it’s a value judgement.

I agree with some of what you say but not this. If morality is only ever determined by each individual there can be no laws or universal moral principles. At the moment it is legal to kill some kinds of animals in one country but not another. That is meant to be a reflection of prevailing morality in those societies. Killing should not really just be a personal choice, there needs to be some societal norms and prevailing values that sanction or forbid it.

You see DJR, this is what makes me a little cross. It’s not ethical to misquote someone. I did NOT say it is not possible to rank reptiles over cats. I was merely stating my opinion that I think an overwhelming majority would not. But of course there are exceptions to just about everything. Try to be nice. St. Vincent's Appeal

The follow-up point should be that those exceptions are broken in some way, to have strayed so far from the “natural” built-in reactions.

Luckily broken things also help with survival/evolution.

Or you could say that some people sometimes have weird views because they are weird. I mean maybe a person who prefers lizards to cats also likes to put jam, peanut butter and vegemite all on the one piece of toast. I actually knew someone who did that. :sweat_smile:

Would you accuse me of liking universal facts if I said “I bet an overwhelming majority of people wouldn’t like jam, peanut butter and vegemite on the same slice of toast”? See my point?

Like most of Blitz, that’s not what your (initial) argument was, though.

Blitz likes to work in absolutes. It annoys me greatly.

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No, my initial argument was that due to the way our brains have evolved we probably prefer cute little kittens over reptiles. Not a hint of absolutes in my argument, just an honest observation.
Btw St Vincent’s Appeal 24 :heart:and counting.

I use metaphors a lot. I get in strife a lot. But I can’t help it, it’s how my mind works.

Here I go again.

If you turned on the news tonight and there was a story about a whole bunch of people trying to save a stranded whale, would you be surprised?

On the other hand, if there was a news story about a whole bunch of people trying to save a sardine’s life, would you be surprised?

Now would it be disingenuous of me to say the answers to those questions would almost certainly be no and yes?

That’s how metaphor’s work…for me, anyway.

I’d eat whale if it was reasonably priced.

There aren’t too many to a can, though.

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I apologise Bloodstained Devils, I’m a bit narky today and it’s not your fault.

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You should try to be nicer to people.