What annoys you? Extra time

Is it true in the object pronoun that you should always put yourself last in a sentence, my mother used to drum this into me.

Not Me and Bomberblitz, but Bomberlitz and I, because this annoys me when young people always put themselves first , me and x are doing this today

Or, as I’ve heard many a young AFL player say, “Myself and my team mates …”.

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I or me depends purely on whether it’s object or subject. And object can be determined by a preceding preposition.

I’d always put the first person word last, so Bomberblitz and I should concur.

And ‘myself’ should never replace I. A sheila i used to work with always used ‘myself’ instead of ‘I’.

Good lord! And I’m not even religious.

  • Among those interviewed were Merle Haggard’s two ex-wives, Kris Kristofferson and Robert Duvall.
  • This book is dedicated to my parents, Ayn Rand and God.
  • Highlights of Peter Ustinov’s global tour include encounters with Nelson Mandela, an 800-year-old demigod and a d.ildo collector.

The old Oxford comma, eh, which is a special use of commas.

I’m annoyed by grammar pendants :kissing_heart:

Language evolves and if people understand your meaning who cares how it’s used.


I don’t think your nanna’s jewellery is relevant to the current discussion.



Missing commas change the meaning materially.

I like cooking, my kids, and my pets.
I like cooking my kids and my pets.


Yes, but I can figure out from context what you actually mean so they’re is no need to lambast someone for forgetting a comma.

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The oxford comma is best used to clarify a comment or situation.
It can be done without sometimes, but I always use it.

Here’s a court case where the outcome depended on it:
Missing Oxford Comma Leads to Million Dollar Recovery - Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company.

Can you explain it, like I got a D in Yr 12 English?

The important part is this bit:

“The canning, processing, preserving, freezing, drying, marketing, storing, packing for shipment or distribution of: (1) agricultural produce; (2) meat and fish products; and (3) perishable foods.

The drivers said without the Oxford comma, the statute excluded only packing — whether it was for shipment or distribution. The dairy argued the spirit of the law intended “packing for shipment” and “distribution” to be two separate exempted activities.

Without the comma, it made it read like “packing for shipment and distribution” look like one activity, when in fact it was two.

It should have been written; “packing for shipment, or distribution”. That makes it clear it is two activities.

The lack of the comma after the word “shipment” made all the difference.

I hope that helps! :thinking:



I would have gone for

  • canning
  • processing
  • preserving
  • freezing
  • drying
  • marketing
  • storing
  • ***packing for shipment
  • distribution***

Those bullet points replace commas in that sense.
Honestly, most people can make out what is meant, but I suppose for important issues clarity is necessary.

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Except there are some posters on BBlitz that you would never understand what they mean.