What annoys you? Extra time

Not all advertising leads to addiction that destroys lives

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I don’t do Tattslotto, I despise horse racing, and don’t really do any gambling. If I buy raffle tickets it’s to support a fundraiser (I have just bought raffle tickets for my son’s school to raise money to buy air-conditioning units for the music performance rooms), not necessarily to win a prize.

Anyway, all those things are my choice. Like I said, if people want to gamble, that’s their choice to throw their money away. What I despise is the pervasive saturation of gambling advertising that my children can’t escape from. It’s everywhere and is now completely normalised. Pretty much every kid in this country thinks that gambling is a natural part of being involved in sport. It’s ■■■■■■.


Slow down and enjoy the ride.

Deadset if driving makes you angry imho you shouldnt be doing it is my ethos.

Literally could kill you or someone else.

I dont drive a lot myself but when i do i just chill and enjoy the journey.

Always make sure if I dont have company in the car I have great tunes.

With the advent of google maps you get such a decent indicator of time to destination.


Totally agree!

The clue in the phrase ‘speed limit’ is the last word. It’s the maximum speed at which you can travel. It’s not obligatory despite perceptions that you’re a lesser human being if you dare to do so. That said, if there’s more than one lane and you’re not going travel at 104-107 kph then perhaps it wiser not to be in the right one given everyone’s absence of patience these days.

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I take your point.

However, if you’re tootling along a highway at 80 - 90 kmh and you’ve got a conga line of cars banked up behind you, it would be polite to either go a bit faster or pull over and let everybody else continue on their way at a legal and safe speed (ie. the limit).


There’s a semi minimum speed limit on some European roads. I had the experience in Luxembourg. If more than two cars are behind you, lights started flashing to pull over to the side road.

This is what close to $30 gets you for a quick light lunch pre doctor’s appointment in the city. My partner and I shared the single flatbread toastie, which ironically looked (and tasted) like it had been run over several times by a truck. The ‘coffee’ was lacking one vital ingredient and tasted like soggy cardboard (unsurprisingly). At least it was hot I guess. The half a dozen stale potato chips (weird offering) were the undisputed highlight.
No wonder people are staying away from the city.


You’re certainly conscious of it in Spain. It’s easier just to move left if cars are behind you.

I drove Seville-Conil DLF- Jerez DLF - CĂĄdiz-Cape Trafalgar-Conil-Arcos DLF-Setenil de las Bodegas-Ronda-MĂĄlaga.

Some very narrow streets in the White Villages and some great scenery coming into Ronda.

And no ratbaggery from the Spanish drivers.

In Victoria it’s legally required to keep left unless overtaking on multi lane roads where the speed limit is over 80kmh. So legally you can’t just sit there if you’re not overtaking.


I assume you mean on a city highway where overtaking/changing lanes may be difficult in peak periods. Living regionally if l’m on a two lane highway driving my old run around buzz box, if you aren’t happy with my speed overtake me.
My car my choice…

What would you suggest doing if you are caught behind someone in this situation?

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This is fine, and chilling while driving is great.

I just hope you’re not one of those people that’s thinking ‘oh, I’ll just chill over here in the middle or far right lane. There’s all this space here, and I’m doing 100….hang in…Whys this guys up my arse flashing his lights? He needs to chill…’

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Having to deal with this every day I generally beep if they have been doing it for a while

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Ah chill driving was awesome in the ol days until they introduced those tongue scrapers

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I dont really highway drive.

And city roads dont count. Most of the time the right lanes slow because people are turning right.

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I usually try to take a pretty zen approach, like others have mentioned - if I get there five minutes later, meh, so be it!

but on occasion I have been known to swear like a trooper and do the on off tailgate move your arse thing :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT of course it goes without saying that you’d also undertake if possible!


In California the law is if you are holding up 5 cars on a two lane road (ie one lane in each direction), you MUST pull over.

In practice, I observed on my last trip there that this is one of the most disobeyed laws in California.

Perhaps it is a traffic offence, actually (not the speed, just not pulling left when safe to do so if not in the process of actively overtaking).

Its a bit like life, some people go through it in a bubble, only see it for themselves, dont care about whats going on around them. Many people drive just like this, no thought about the traffic around them, rear view mirror for decoration only.