What annoys you?

I ordered an appliance from Amazon France where they were stating on the page that the item did not ship to Australia. Anyway - I’d read about others getting this appliance sent to Australia despite this, so I took a gamble and wouldn’t you know it - 5 days later it arrived.

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Hop Shop Go

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Yeah, I did that…after running around shirtless screaming.

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I felt pain…so both?

I did walk under a giant wasp nest too imbedded under the verandah too.

Seem to be a lot around, I had a wasp nest removed from our roof recently, the exterminator said he had a heap booked nearby.

I tried spraying it myself at first, but then left it for the experts. They are viscious little bastards.

Patients or visitors of patients who are doctors.
Edit: Or in any part of the health industry, or opened a medical book once.

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My wife is a nurse, and she usually tries to hide that fact when she’s being treated, because she knows its just gonna annoy the fark out of the person treating her.

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After having a family member spend a week in hospital, nurses/doctors/whatever that don’t listen to the patient.

taking blood pressure hurts this person a lot, get the ■■■■■■■ red cuff you ■■■■■■■.

because having the patient hyperventilate from the pain whilst being treating for a pulmonary embolism is clearly helping.

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It does go both ways.
Mrs Wim hates having her blood taken.
-‘I need to to tell you that my vein is very deep.’
-rolls eyes, desperately wanting to say I’ve done this literally thousands of times
‘It’s quite visible, there won’t be a problem.’
-‘Yes, I know it looks close and easy but this has happened to me a lot.
It’s deeper than it looks.’
-stabs. stabs again. stabs again
‘It’s deeper than it looks.’
-‘Yes, I probably should have mentioned that.’

Yes they hurt like h.ell, I got stung once on the ankle and by the next morning my whole leg was red and swollen really badly, had to go to the doc’s for help, he reckons I’m now allergic to them, so I get a bit freaked out when one comes near me. Then a couple of weeks later got stung on the finger by a little bee, and that swelled up ridiculously as well.

People who whistle at other people to get their attention. Just ■■■■ off. That’s what you do to get a dog’s attention.

Delivery drover came in one day, whistled at me and waved me over to him. I waved back and walked away


I watched scrubs over and over again, I know what I’m doing


Or “I looked this up on the internet and I’m pretty sure I have Weasel-Thrombitis”.

My neighbour keeps bees for a local apiarist. He was over the other day, and we told him how my ‘wife’ got stung and it swelled up, etc. Then I told him that when I was about 4 or 5 years old, I used to catch bees and have them sting me, so I could see the little ‘poison sack’ pumping away. I thought it was cute at the time, without knowing that the bee died afterwards.
I asked him if he thought that because of this, I would be quite immune from stings now. His response was … “no idea, but I reckon you could go see a psychiatrist…”


Was he bringing you some sheep?


I watched a fight between a hornet and huntsman spider once. Thought the spider would win, after a long bout of much toing and froing, could tell that all of sudden the hornet’s demeanour changed to fark this, brushed it with it’s sting, paralysed the spider and flew away with him.

Where was Attenborough when needed. :slight_smile:


They are specific hornets (wasps) that do this. They paralyze a spider, take it to a subterranean lair, lay eggs in it, which feed off the paralyzed yet lucid arachnid…and you though spiders were creepy…

Ive decided I don’t like this thread anymore.

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