What annoys you?

Wow, didn’t know that, so they are not only vicious but smart too. :slight_smile:

There is a close parallel to this and the first Mrs Fox.


I didn’t know if I was allergic or not, and then I googled symptoms and convinced myself that I did in fact have about 40 minutes left to live.

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This started annoying but ended up being amazing. So im sitting there eating a giant brisket sandwich. This group of three vegans come up and hand me a little brochure and told me “did you know the cow used to make your food was mistreated, depressed and horribly slaughted” i replied with “he is also delicious” was then called a “monster” to which i said “a hungry monster now ■■■■ off” and off they ■■■■■■.

So i suppose to fit in with the thread. What annoys me? Vegans


There is a butcher next to us who had the back of his shop graffiti by vegans “meat is murder” or some rubbish like that.

Can’t they just ■■■■ off?

Vegans on YouTube are insufferable !

wonder if they realise if we all go vegans we’ll be producing less livestock, so those lives they’re ‘saving’ will never have existed.


Thought Mrs Fox 1 was a black widow.

Nah, doesn’t the Black Widow screw its Mate before it devours him. Mrs Fox the First just paralysed with fear and then devoured.


Adults that can’t go more than two mins without checking their phone.

Like they can’t survive without them, and constantly have them by their side, even on the dinner table.

$hits me.

Learn to have a farking adult conversation.


It’s a bit of a myth, that one. It does happen, but only observed in labs under duress, apparently.

No myth about the original Mrs F, this is her photo from our Family Court event.


A Richmond supporter hey? How the hell did you let that happen?

What’s worse…a WASP!

She followed no football, and stopped me playing. I was lucky to escape

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People who don’t say thank you or even acknowledge you when you open a door for them or move out of their way when they are using a trolley


When do we get to sue Telstra?
I mean, people shut down pirate sites because their carriers.
Telstra are the biggest carrier of scam artists in the nation.
Don’t tell me they don’t get complaints.
Don’t tell me they can’t block known fraudsters.

Time’s up.

Reality TV garbage. “Television History - tonight on Married at First Sight!”. “You won’t believe what random wannabe celebrity said to ■■■■-head celebrity chef on My Kitchen Rules!”. “Which couple will meltdown when the judges don’t like the fact they painted the new bathroom salmon - tonight on The Block!”

And then we’ll have the evicted loser on the radio, the news, in the paper and all over social media. “Australia’s favourite Bachelor evictee” - some loser most sane people have never heard of and whose name will be forgotten until the inevitable tear-jerk story about their fall from the height of TV celebrity to working as a barista and hoping to get a gig as an extra on Neighbours.

Just fark off the lot of you. Self-indulgent trash that reflects the general stupidity of the masses. Anyone that applies to go on reality TV should be put into the Big Brother House and then the whole place can be set on fire. “Tonight on Celebrity Inferno!”


I rate that 3 out of 10 Noonans.

Still agree with him 100%. Good man,Furious George.