What annoys you?

I strongly recommend a movie called Miami Blues where Alec Baldwin shows how it’s done. Make out you’re shaking their hand but bend their middle finger so far back that they could faint and even die.

Or Robert Stack in Flying High where he just knocks them all rotten.

Myself…I prefer just to tell them to pharque off.

I like to give them a really smarmy fake smile, just like the one they give me.

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I tend to give beggars the ‘pharque off’, and if I think they’re druggies, a very abrupt version thereof.

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Christians, Hindus, Muslims, all other religious types, conservatives, P plate and 4WD drivers, women managers, debtors, politicians, Australian so called customer service, cricketers who sledge, Nine cricket commentary team, soccer players who roll around as if shot when an opponent barely touches them, Trump, tele marketers, lenient judiciary for starters

Just say “no thanks, I’m a [supporter of the exact opposite of their cause]” Stuns them for enough time for a swift exit.

Has led to me (more than once) declaring that I am “a massive racist” but oh well

Just for clarification, do you mean ‘4WD drivers’, or ‘SUV suburban cowboys/girls’?

Both are shocking.

Lifted hiluxes and LandCruiser are grade a fuckwits.


Lowered 4x4s? You know, I’m creeper mode, they’re ok I hope.

There’s footy. The girls are playing. Can’t say I’m an expert though. I watched one half last year and never watched it again.

The game tonight was great, I thought. They really go for it. Nail-biter, too.

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When people use the word ‘alternate’ when they mean ‘alternative’. Or ‘disinterested’ when they mean ‘uninterested’.
When people say ‘myself’ or ‘I’, but ‘me’ would actually be correct.
People filling up intersections when cars ahead have stopped, so they block the traffic getting the new green light going the other way. Or similarly filling up roundabouts so that cars can’t enter from their left.
My squeaky drive belt.

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People who won’t enter an intersection (turning) when they have a green light, but no arrow. Makes HAP angry.


And stay behind the line, wait for the light to go red (not amber) then go through and then freak out when they nearly cause an accident


People who call their pets, either cats or dogs, “fur babies”. Really?


One of my pet hates. Along with using ‘laconic’, to mean ‘lazy’ or ‘uninterested’.

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That is standard practice in WA. I could not believe it.

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I call their children “skin dogs”


When my fur babies act all laconic when I tell them it’s time to come in and ignore I.


This wouldn’t have happened if you had punched in the sides of the dispenser as you are supposed to.

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