COVID-19 Round 13 - IT'S NOT A RACE!

I will back @The_Ant up here, he was in (I think) the send vaccines OS because they need them more camp (like a lot of us last summer) but not anti-vax.


Reckon the Scomo spent too much time with Boris a few weeks ago and is itching to get to the phase of the pandemic where he can claim credit for “opening up / saving” the economy. Problem is they’ve been enjoying taking credit for keeping the virus at bay. Need to find a suitable scapegoat for when people die while getting from A to B once the virus is endemic in Australia.

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You were on the “it’s not a race” band wagon for a bit. Which didn’t seem unreasonable with HQ staff being vaccinated. But I don’t recall any discouragement.

Morrison mentioned something about ships crew today, but I couldn’t see anything specific in the NatCab statement. Perhaps Halton will fix it for Mark.

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The AMA has been rubbish during the pandemic - Yet they are still defended by some.

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Post for Big Allan - Diplomats and quarantine.

Throughout the world diplomats can quarantine in their home residence - At the moment the Hong Kong quarantine system for returnees is between 7 to 21 days, depending on whether you have been vaccinated and which country you visited - And in this time you are tested six times with the last test on day 19.

Saudi Arabian Diplomat and family return to HK and isolate at home - Test on arrival negative - Test on day 3 finds the two children are positive - Family who should have been isolating visited half of Hong Kong in two days - A number of exposure sites while officials speak through pursed lips. I daresay diplomats in all countries would have done the same.

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They should have given her a Section 8 her long ago.


Things changed quickly!

How does the maths on this work? If an unvaccinated person who catches covid is a 10% probability of hospitalisation, does this mean that a Pfizer 2 dose vaccinated person would be a 0.4% or 4 in 1000 probability of hospitalisation?

She’s what ScumMo and co would call “A Good Woman” is Gladys, … does everything she’s told.

There are people here better qualified than me to answer that question, but to me it sounds bang on.

Most that I’ve seen have reported the figure as risk/effectiveness compared to an unvaccinated person (so your first example) rather than absolute risk/effectiveness (your second example).
eg 200 people with COVID / 100 unvaccinated / 100 vaccinated.
If the vaccine was 50% effective at preventing serious illness you would expect half as many sick people in the vaccine group vs the unvaccinated group. 50% could be extremely significant or insignificant (in the non-statistical sense of the word) depending on what the other number is ie reducing the number of sick from 2/100 to 1/100 is less significant than reducing the number from 50/100 to 25/100.
Definitely an important distinction to make though, and not one I would presume when being given any numbers!
Also very important to clarify what the measure of effectiveness is as well (ie transmission, serious illness or death).

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Wrong thread…

What a blast that was…


Red zone not enough anymore.



Crocs released in the Murray.


@simmo41 is ready to push the button

let me at it

Probably not appropriate but this made me giggle