Test your IQ (again)

‘That man’ is the speaker, not the man in The portrait.
Work backwards, you’ll get it.

Edit: actually that’s not helpful.

(Who is my father’s son?)
The person talking.
That’s part B solved.

So part A is ‘(That man’s father is)

(That man’s father is) + (me) = …

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■■■■ smith talking about money he make at home. Anyone can do it.
Sounds legit

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i need to know if i was a part of it and if i was i need to know if i was right or wrong


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The more interesting question is why would the guy have a portrait of himself?? what a wanker…
And why would he bother making that statement…and to whom? Himself? To someone else with him?

The answer is he played for Richmond

So it’s not a portrait of himself - the speaker?

You all know Blitz has a very decent search function nowadays, right?

Was it this guy?

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If ye ask me on a Monday, I’d say yeeeeeeeees.

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That man’s father is (my My father’s son = me)… it’s his son.

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Don’t think about it, just answer, was a bit of a strange instruction, Vinnie.

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He’s not talking about the man in the portrait, he’s talking about the father of the man in the portrait. That’s the key to understanding the riddle. If he’s talking about the father of the man in the portrait, then the man in the portrait must be his son.

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When did I say that? Oh waaaaay back then.

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Points to the man in the portrait

That man’s (in the portrait) father

Is my fathers son.

He has no brothers or sisters, so it’s him.

If it’s not then I’m gonna have to get George Costanza to take my test.

That man’s father is him (ie his father’s son), so it’s clearly his son in the portrait.

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Mentioning the non-existent sisters is redundant…

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Say that again, but change ‘my father’s son’ to ‘me.’


You are going to understand this!
The father of the man in the portrait is him.
The father of the man in the portrait is him.
The father of the man in the portrait is him.
The father of the man in the portrait is him.
The father of the man in the portrait is him.
The father of the man in the portrait is him.
The father of the man in the portrait is him.
The father of the man in the portrait is him.
The father of the man in the portrait is him.
The father of the man in the portrait is him.

But the question is, who is in the portrait!!!